We Found A.....

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Olivia P.O.V:
"Be careful guys we don't know what's going to be in there." Cragen insists. The squad and I just arrived at a bust. There is potential for children, drugs and alcohol involved. We were waiting for a couple more people to get here before we could make our break. I grasped my gun tightly is my hands keeping it pointed it at the floor. I stand next to Nick who also has his gun pulled out. Amanda stands opposite with Fin, Carisi and Cragen. Some more members of the SWAT team gather and give us the all clear.
"NYPD!" I yell as we section of into different rooms. I continue striding forward clearing each room as I pass them. I walk into one room and find a child.
"Guys!" I gasp. Nick runs straight towards me shortly followed by Amanda, both still gripping guns. A small child lay in a cage. I place my gun back into my Hollister. I break the cage open and grab her.
"Go, go! Ill clear the rest of the room." Nick grabs her and exits the room straight away. I rummage through different drawers looking for drugs or anything incriminating. I open one draw to my surprise a small baby is laying sound asleep. I slide my jacket off and rap it around the baby and gently pick it up. I cradle the baby in my arms and take it out of the room.
"I think we need an ambulance down here. Holy shit Liv. Is that a baby?" Carisi says in shock.
"Yeah, it's sleeping we need to be semi quite." I whisper.
"Okay, I called an ambulance Nick has got the girl. There are two bodies. Amanda left the room she couldn't handle the smell. They've been there for a while." Carisi explains, grimacing.
"Okay, good work. I'm going to hand this beauty over to a member of the team outside." I say. I cuddle the baby close to my chest as it jiggled to get comfy. I leave the building and jog outside towards the paramedic team.
"Hey, I found this baby in a drawer. I don't know how it's doing." I explain handing the baby over.
"Keep the jacket." I add. Once I had handed the baby over I met up with Amanda outside.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, all good. I just could handle the smell of two dead guys. They had defiantly been there at least a week. I kinds thought I was going to throw up if I didn't leave the room. I'm sure Carisi doesn't need to see that." She laughs. I smile back. I see a Fin and Cragen. I walk over with Amanda as we regroup.
"So what did we find?" Cragen demands.
"Two unidentified dead dudes."
"Drugs and alcohol."
"A baby." I say lastly.
"A baby?" Cragen says in confusion.
"Yeah and Nick.....well I found a child in a cage she's on the way to the hospital with Nick." I explain leaving nothing out.
"Okay, Fin can stay here with back up until CSU get here. Amanda and Carisi you go back to the Precinct. Check all security cameras and check descriptions of all dead/alive people we found. Olivia you go meet Nick at the hospital. Check the kid and the baby. Let's go people."

At the hospital....

I get into the second floor where Nick waits for me, coffee in hand.
"Hey, how they doing?"
"The small child we found is 8 years old and is critical condition. The baby is stable."
"Oh, that child is only 8? I thought she was like 4. Any names yet?"
"No, I'm still waiting for that. I'm going to catch this son of a bitch." Nick says in frustration.
"Yeah we will. However, we will do it completely legally. I know that depressing that you can't beat the guy up but for you it's best."
"Yeah I guess so." He laughs. His smile is enough to the light to whole room. Ayyyy hold up where the fuck did that come from? I think to myself. I chuckle silently at myself and look back at Nick.
"Sooooooo?" I laugh.
"Liv, I don't even know." Nick says before bursting into laughter. I start laughing too. After a couple of minutes he stops and looks at me.
"What?" I say sarcastically.
"It's nice to see you look happy again." He says. I give him a cute smile in return for his compliment.
"Sorry to break you too up but we have news." The nurse interrupts.
"No its no problem what's the problem?" I say.
"Well there's a couple actually. The girl you interviewed yesterday was working for the family of the children you brought in today."
"There mother is Ellie Porter."
"What?! She's the one we put in prison for being a drug junkie." I exclaim, turning to face Nick.
"Yeah about that Liv.... She's sort of on Patrol now."
"Oh my life this makes everything much harder to deal with."
"Liv I didn't finish, Ellie Porter is on the run. When you off we discovered that but I didn't have I good time to tell you."
"Let's go get this bitch."

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