What is a mother?! (✔️)

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Inner monologue
Memory FB
Anger shout

The story starts with a cry and a loud shout..


A man, who was working on his file looked at the child... What is so special on this word Maa = Mother? Why does a child shouts first for a mother and not for a father?! I remember, even I used to cry and beg for a mother's love, but this wasn't written in my destiny.

A small boy at the age of 6 was sitting in the class room.

The teacher turns to the class after writing on the blackboard 'What is a mother?'

The boy lift his shaking hand.

The teacher was looking at him, "yes Laksh." The little boy is our scared and lonely Laksh

Laksh stood up, "Sir, I don't have a mother. How will I answer this question? I don't know what a mother is?"

Today the boy has turned to an angry man, well he is a father, a bad one.

A woman comes running in, "Raksh?!"

Raksh looked at her with teary eyes, "Mummy!" He was calling her by lifting his hands up.

Who else than Ragini could be the Mother. She was the one, who could feel the pain of her son, but couldn't understand the arrogance and ignorance of her husband.

Ragini lifted him and carries him in her embrace, "Beta what happen?!" She was stroking his back with love.

Raksh rubs his nose on his mother's shoulder, "Maa...." he just needed her close, he started to cuddle with her, as if there wasn't any pain left, just his mother's hug was like a ointment (Malham). She was walking out of the room.

Ragini could feel his small fingers and the hear his breath. Raksh was resting his small hands on her shoulders, now his head was close to her neck/chest and his eyes were close, Heaven.

They entered the room next to their bedroom.

Ragini kisses his head, "Baacha what happened and Laksh why didn't you took him in your arms?"

Laksh stood up in anger, "Enough Ragini! Mind your language! He called for Maa not Paa = Papa!. He doesn't wanted my help. So why should I help?"

Ragini frighten by his shout like Raksh did. Both were scared of his anger.

He hasn't raised his hand on anyone, never, but they are scared, what if he might lose the control over his anger?!

Raksh was strong, "Maa..." He cups her face. "Sshh 🤫." He places a kiss on her nose.

Ragini didn't argue with Laksh, she took Raksh with her and both left to their room. Haan Raksh and Ragini shares one room, while Laksh has his own room.

Both are married, but they live like roommates.

Ragini was keeping Raksh save from everything and everyone, but how can she stop her son to meet and see his own father no one can and neither she wants to keep them apart. She always sends him to Laksh, but Laksh isn't caring for Raksh.

Raksh was looking at her tensed face, "Maa I fallen down." He said with a pout on his face.

Ragini was shocked, "what you fell, oh how?! Wait did you ran again without looking?"

Raksh places his hands in front of his face...🙈, "Haan Maa {Yes Mom}." He removes his hands and smiles at Ragini.

Ragini smiles back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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