(4) Old Faces, New Light

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Jimin's POV



Please no.

Don't let it be.

I recognised that voice, the voice which would make you want to lock yourself up in a closet and hide for the rest of your life, the voice which would cause shivers to run down your spine, the voice which could flip the switch on your entire life. Sadly, my instincts overpowered my will, causing me to turn around at the sound of my name being hollered like the pet I was trained to be.

"Hey, look who it is! The freaky, scaredy kitten!"

I stood completely still once I heard the frighteningly familiar nickname. Taehyung gave death glares at the boy I was now facing, his dyed blonde hair gelled upwards whilst bits of his red streaks fell out of place. His dark brown eyes held a look of superiority with a hint of mischief, both concealed to appear as if he were naturally innocent.

"Get lost, Jihyun," Taehyung threatened. "Before I kick you out myself."

He only smirked and strode towards us, Taehyung gritting his teeth as he watched the madman ignore him. I instinctively pull my beanie down to my cheeks, making sure he didn't purposely expose me in front of everyone in the shop.

"Awh, why are you hiding Jiminie? Too scared to show yourself?" He mocked, as he placed a hand surprising softly on top of my head. My grip tightened around the hem of my only source of protection. Or at least, what I thought was my only protection, before I heard a slap.

Taehyung had smacked Jihyun's hand away from my head as he pulled me closer to his own body. The blonde haired boy looked down at our shopping basket and scoffed.

"Guess you still haven't gotten over your weird cross-dressing fetish Chim, I thought you could do better than this..."

"Says the guy who's buying from a makeup shop," Taehyung countered, though his victory was short lived once Jihyun came up with the typical "it's for my girlfriend" excuse. "And you don't have the right to call him 'Chim', Not after all the crap you've pulled."

"All the crap I've pulled huh? You make it sound like teasing is a crime..." Taetae couldn't handle this guy, the only person in the world who could make him this angry, and it just had to be on our last hangout day before school starts.

"That was more than teasing and we all know it!" Tae looked like he wanted to punch Jihyun in his smug face, so I decided to end it there.

"It's alright Tae, let's just leave it and go." I tugged on his sleeve and he surprisingly complied with my request to leave, probably because of the fact he didn't want to be in Jihyun's presence anymore than I did.

"That's right, go take your whiny boyfriend out of my fucking sight!" He scoffed, Tae's hand tightened around mine as he quickened his pace.


Taehyung's POV

I wish I could've done something, both now and in the past. He took you away from me, he always takes you away from me, what other reason am I now walking home alone?

"Sorry Tae, I'm gonna go home now, rest for a bit before school starts again. See you later!"

I'd warned you, but you'd never listen to me. He corrupted your mind with pretty lies, sweet nothings and fake love. He stole your heart and smile from me...

That smile I crave...

He made you feel like you were in heaven, in utopia, a constant euphoria. Where is it all now? Where's the love he promised you? Who's the one who never left you? Who helped you shine when your light was flickering, threatening to be extinguished completely?

You dazzle so bright...

You'd never leave me alone, we were inseparable, like a pair of magnets, a south and a north yet always attracted to each other. Maybe I held the wrong kind of admiration for you, maybe we were never more than brothers. But I'll be content with that, since I will always be the closest to you, and that's adequate enough for me.

Take my hand...

I'll always be there to protect you, I'll be your knight in shining armour, I'll be the cause of your euphoria. Since we were kids, I knew we'd form something unimaginably unbreakable. A special bond from that day so long ago, all those years, and I still remember the request you made:

Bring me into the light.

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