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A: "Twas always thus, and always thus shall be".

B: Hmm?

A: "But only in their dreams can man be truly free. Twas always thus, and always thus shall be".

B: ...Where did you get that from?

A: You must have read it to me sometime.

B: ...

A: ...

A: Why?

B: Why what?

A: Why must it always be "thus"?

B: Well what's "thus"?

A: "Thus" is like "this" isn't it?

B: ...

A: Isn't it?

B: I don't bloody know.

A: ...Sorry.

B: ...

A: ...

A: Say for argument's sake that we can agree that "thus" means "like this" - 

B: I never agreed to have an argument in the first place.

A: Yeah, but just say-

B: Jesus alright go on.

A: I don't think I want it to be "thus" anymore.

B: ...

A: ...

A: Is that alright?

B: Not really, no.

A: Okay, but I've never wanted much, have I?

B: So?

A: So now I want something.

B: Well, what do you want to be "thus" instead then?

A: Not this.

B: Jesus Christ!

A: ...

B: ...

A: ...

B: I can't help it.

A: Why?

B: ...It's like your poem says. "Twas always thus". Always. Infinitely. I can't fix it.

A: What's stopping you?

B: "Always" is.

A: ...

B: ...

A: Can I tell you what I want "thus" to be?

B: ...okay.

A: "Thus": Clean. Warm. Full. Complete.

B: ...that's quite a lot.

A: you like it?

B: ...yeah.

A: ...

B: ...I'm sorry.

A: What for?

B: For making this "thus" your "thus".

A: ...I'm not sure I follow.

B: (chuckles) You shouldn't.

A: ...

B: ...

A: ...Dead Poet's Society!

B: Hmm?


C: Are you ready?

B: ...

A: Ready for?

C: ...

B: ...

A: Well we can't answer a question we don't understand can we?

B: You're ready.

( C attempts to lead A away)

A: Am I?

C: Are you?

B: I just said you were didn't I?

A: Yeah but that doesn't mean I am.

B: You're ready.

A: ...

(A and B stare at each other)

A: I'm ready when I say I am.

B: Exactly.

A: (sighs) Alright go on then. I'm ready.

(A and C exit).

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