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Spencer's P.O.V:

Sitting on the train with my headphones in blasting Linkin park I looked up and noticed the announcement board flashed telling me the next stop was Euston, London. My stop. I pulled the ear buds out and checked the time. It had just past 5pm, I turned my music off before beginning to gather all my crap and head for the exit door.

Stepping off the train I instantly noticed the familiar sight of Hay's dark grey hair in the far distance, she had her back to me talking on the phone. I quickly hurried to reach her.

"Excuse me ma'am you cannot use your phone on the main platform." I said in a deep voice trying hard not to laugh.

"Excuse me? -" She turned around and when saw me, she burst out laughing." I was literally about to go off on one there." She said.

"I couldn't resist." I giggled.

"I'm so excited you are here." She pulled me into a hug.

"Me too this is going to be amaaaaaaazing." I somewhat sang with excitement.

"Come on the label sent me in a company car to collect you." She informed me.

"So i was thinking when we got back to mine we could have a chill night, you must be exhausted from travelling all day. I was thinking take out, beer and a movie?"

"That sounds like heaven. Strange how sitting on your ass for over eight hos can actually be tiring." I chuckled as we reached the car.

Back at Hay's house she gave me the grand tour, she lived in a comfortable 2 bedroom house on Crouch hall Rd which was only a ten minute walk from the studio which was handy.

"So the second room isn't huge, but hopefully it'll be big enough."

"Hay it's fine I mean all i will really be doing in there s sleep, so not like I really need the room. It'll be great." I reassured her as she opened the door and stepped aside to let me in. "It's perfect." I said looking around, Being a spare room there wasn't much to it the walls were painted white with wooden flooring. There was a sofa/bed on the left and a tv and stand opposite. And on the other wall sat a large wooden wardrobe.

"Well this concludes the tour so as they saying goes. Mi casa su casa." Hay smiled at me,

"Thanks, actually I wouldn't mind going for a shower if that is okay?"

"Sure, here I'll get you some fresh towels." Hay disappeared for a brief moment before returning with a couple of fresh towels. "So I need to pop out to the shop while you shower, get beer and a few other bits, is there anything you need?" She asked handing me the towels.

"No I think I'm good." I smiled.

"Well should you need anything, the shop is right around the corner."

"That's handy."

"Right I'll let you shower, feel free to use anything you want in there."

"Thanks." I smile before she took her leave. I grabbed my toiletries bag before heading into the bathroom.I turned on the shower, stripped and stepped in the warm water feeling amazing.

I chilled there for a few moments just enjoying the warm water running over my body before I got down to business.

By the time I came out the shower it was near 7pm so I decided just to put my dory Pj's on. When I joined Hay in the lounge she laughed.


"Why am I not surprised." She shook her head. "But good idea. Be back in a mo." She said hopping of the couch but quickly retreated back and grabbed a handful of menus. "Here have a look these are all the places nearby that do vegan options." she said handing them to me.

"Cool." I took then and she retreated into her bedroom while I checked out the options I had.

Upon her return Hay asked. "Anything you fancy?"

"The vegetarian singapore rice noodles sounds nice." I said pointing it out.

"That does sound nice, well let's see, I think I fancy Egg fried rice with lemon chicken." Hay put in the order and while we waited for it to arrive we decided on a movie to watch.

I was currently scanning hays vast DVD collection trying to decide what to watch.

"We could rent if you prefer."

"Oh actually I haven't seen this yet, maybe we could watch that?" I said pulling out transformers. "Yeah, it's a good movie. Well I like it anyway."

"Cool, I've seen the trailer and it looks good, so here's hoping." I smile and pop it in the DVD player and hopped on the couch and got settled before Hay hit play, skipping all the crap at the beginning of the DVD.

We were only ten minutes into the film when the doorbell rang. I jumped to grab my purse but Hay insisted it was n her and there is no arguing with that girl so I gave in and sat back down while she went to pay.

After the movie I gave a huge stretch and got to my feet gathering out empty cartons from the takeout.

"Don't worry about that we will get it in the morning."

"Nah it's alright, I'll get it now." I told her as I took them to the kitchen and binned them. As I came back into the lounge I yawned. "What time is our meeting with Derek?"

"He wants us there at 8 sharp."

"Ugh right well I hate to be a bore, but on that note I think I need to call it a night. I'm exhausted."

"I can yell, you've been quiet all night, I don't blame you though."

"Yeah sorry bout that."

No need to apologise sill, you've had an exhausting day. Let's call it a night and I will see you in the morning."

"Thanks Hay, night." I smiled before heading into my room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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