Chapter 15

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Blood was all over Sir Anthony's hands as he holds Madame Wolfy's wolf form body. James managed to stab her right in her stomach. "James what have you done?!" Anthony yelled out. "Do you realize what you done?!" James just gives Anthony a cold, blank stare as he backs up to Dramafina. James started to climb up the dragon's tail on her back where Sir Christian and Sir Jordan are on. "James don't go with her! She is messing with your head! Don't do this!" Anthony yelled at James of the top of his lungs. "Sorry Anthony, but if you want to continue this, then you will meet us at the top of Mediamountain and finish this! James yelled at Anthony as Dramafina flew to the top of the mountain. As this happen Madame Wolfy turned into her human form.Anthony hears Wolfy coughing and hacking. "Aghhh!" Wolfy screamed in pain. "Wolfy! Are you going to be okay?" Anthony asked in panic. "Y-yeah I should be. I howled three times, so The Pack and everyone else should magically teleport to where were at." Wolfy said in a quiet, painful tone. "Why did you get in the way? Why did you jump in front of the sword?" I have to protect everyone I know and love as a leader even if it means I get hurt or sacrificed in the process. Your different though. You want to be a leader, but not if it means your loved ones get hurt or worse."Anthony was wide eye after hearing this because he knows she is right. He doesn't care if he sacrifices his life to save his loved ones back home of Coffeigton, but he doesn't want them to do the same for him. So he goes on missions alone. As Anthony was in deep thought a flash came to the corner of his eye. "Oh no! Madame Wolfy! Your bleeding out!" said Zak in a panic. "Did you do this to her?! I'll kill you!" Zak was about to charge at Anthony, but two members of The Pack held him back."Zak...c-calm down he did none of this. T-thsjsjs." Wolfy said weak and slurring her words. Tem rushed over to Wolfy. "Put her down gently, so I can heal her before time runs out!" TemTem said getting all of his equipment out of his bag. "Tem is she going to be okay?" Anthony asked. "If she didn't have the strength to howl, then no she would be dead by bleeding out. But since she did I should be able to heal her up." Anthony and everyone was relieved of hearing that. Anthony knew he had to save his brother from the evil curse that is binding both his younger brother by blood and his two friends he considers as brothers.

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