Zootopia Fanthologies: Over the Wall, Part 1

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Dedicated to all the soldiers who have died in any war America has fought in. God rest your souls...

Time Setting: April 25th, 2017

The April sun was so beautiful, Judy Hopps thought, as she peered out the window of the lunchroom in the Zootopia Police Department (or ZPD for short); her violet eyes shimmering in wonder. Ever since the beginning of spring, gorgeous weather was the order of the day. The warm rays of the sun had finally eradicated the last flakes of snow from the ground in the areas outside the climate-controlled city of Zootopia, and now the plant life was beginning to slowly raise its head and flourish once more, thriving in the golden rays.

The officers at the ZPD, tigers, cheetahs, elephants and more, all ate in this massive lunchroom every single work day. The large, square room was equipped with every type of food available for every type of animal: bugmeal of various arrangements, vegetables, baked goods, berries, nuts—pretty much anything an animal could eat was served by the ZPD's massive horse chef, Officer Hayneman. The old horse didn't talk much, and some even said that he had once been a famous star on TV. But when he did speak, he never said much of anything about his past, articulating in his monotone voice that he didn't really want to think about his slightly crazy donkey co-host.

The small rodents on the force were privileged to have a second level for dining all to themselves, accessed by a series of tiny, mouse-sized elevators that led to a large suspended platform. From up there, it was not uncommon for some mouse or rat to yell out an order or toss an insult the way of some of the bigger animals by leaning over the edge and shouting past the tiny railing. Fortunately, the usual noise of the larger animals eating below often kept them from being heard.

Animals larger than tiny rodents sat at tables across the ground level, with the smaller mammals, like Judy, sitting underneath the larger animals' tables, illuminated by small fluorescent lights hanging from underneath. This was a new feature put in within the last couple of months as part of Mayor Lionheart's reforms to the ZPD after the infamous Bellwether Conspiracy, as a way of ensuring that small mammals were officially catered to. However, since there weren't very many animals Judy's size on the force, these tables usually went unoccupied.

It was under one of these tables that Judy and her foxy friend, Nick Wilde, now sat, eyeing their respective lunches with hungry looks.

After Judy blessed the food, Nick immediately took a bite of his bugburger.

"Why do those little punks in Little Rodentia find it hilarious to run over my tail with their miniaturized Stingray?" Nick asked, shifting the subject of conversation to a pair of particularly annoying gerbils who had been bugging Nick all morning when he and Judy were on traffic patrol.

"Nick, why do you let those guys bother you?" Judy asked as she fingered one of her carrots. "They already said running over your tail was an accident."

"Just like the way it was an accident that they hotwired the engine on our car?" Nick asked. "Or how about slashing our tires?"

Judy had to admit, Nick had a point.

"Goes with what I've already established," he said as he took another bite. "Teenage animals with sports cars are absolute punks."

Judy nodded, her memories of the teenage gerbils confirming Nick's assertions.

"Got it," she said as she took a large chomp out of one of her carrots. "I'll talk to Director Brie and let her know to keep her officers on alert for two juvies driving a red Akhorne Stingray."

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