Day Off

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Raven's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock like every school day. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched before I got out of bed. After I used the bathroom and made myself look presentable, I looked through my closet. I decided to wear my leather jacket again, but it took a little while for me to decide on a shirt and a pair of pants. I put on a pair of slightly ripped camo jeans, a pair of combat boots, and a Beartooth t-shirt. Once I was dressed I headed downstairs. I heard someone knock on the door, and I knew it was Mr. Depp. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Mr. Depp looking handsome as ever. He was wearing black jeans, a black buttoned t-shirt, and a striped vest. "Hey." I said with a smile. "Hey, may I come in?" He asked curiously. I suddenly noticed the sad look in his brown eyes. "Sure." I replied with furrowed brows. He walked in and I shut the door behind him after he walked in. "Would you like some breakfast?" I asked him curiously. "Sure." He replied with a small smile, but it wasn't genuine. I told him to follow me into the kitchen, and he did so. I grabbed a carton of eggs out of the fridge along with a loaf of bread. I made sure to start brewing a pot of coffee before I started cooking the eggs. "So, how are you this morning?" I asked him curiously after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "I'm alright." He replied as he played with the rings on his hands. I finished cooking and then poured us each a cup of hot coffee. I split the scramble eggs I made between the two of us before bringing everything over to the kitchen table. After I sat down I decided to speak up about the sadness I saw in him. "Johnny, I can tell you're not yourself. What's wrong?" I said with a sympathetic look in my eyes. "I'm just not feeling good today. I actually cancelled my art classes today before I came over here." He said with a half hearted laugh. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I asked him curiously. "I don't know." He replied as he ate his food. After we ate I ended up washing the dishes, and deep down I knew I should spend the day with Johnny. I took my phone out of my pocket and message Garrett.

Me: Hey, I'm not coming to college today.

Garrett: Are you okay? You never miss a single day of college, are you sick?

Me: No, I'm fine. But Mr. Depp isn't feeling well. I think he's a little depressed.

Garrett: You wanna spend the day with him and try to make him feel better, huh?

Me: Yeah.

Garrett: That's why you're an amazing friend, Raven. I hope Mr. Depp fella better.

"Are you ready to go? I don't want you to be late." He said as he stood up and helped me put the dried dishes away. "You know, maybe we could just hangout today." I said once we finished putting everything away. "You'd hangout with me instead of go to your classes? You'll have a bunch of work and homework to catch up on." He said with a concern in his eyes. "Of course. Even though you're my teacher, you're still important to me. Besides, you've become more like a friend over the past couple of days." I replied, which made him smile. This smile was genuine, which made me smile as well. "You're so sweet." He said as he ran a hand through his hair. "You're sweet too." I said with a small giggle. "You're cute too." He said, which made me blush. "Stop, you're making me blush." I said, and he smiled. He looked down at the floor, and when he looked back up he was bitting his bottom lip slightly. 'He's so hot.' I thought inside of my head. "So, what do you wanna do today since neither one of us are going to college?" I asked him curiously after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Anything you wanna do." He replied with a small smile. We agreed on watching a few movies, but we made a little fort with pillows and blankets. "So, um... do you live here alone, or...?" He asked, trailing off. "I live here with my parents. They're in Florida; they decided to take a last minute vacation." I replied, and he nodded in understanding. "Have they said when they'll be back?" He asked me curiously as he ran a hand through his hair. I personally thought it was an odd question, but I didn't see why I shouldn't tell him. I've trusted him to take me back and forth to college and whatnot. "No, but I figure they'll be back before my birthday." I said as I got up to take the movie we were watching out of the dvd player. "When is your birthday?" He asked. "November." I replied. "November what?" He asked with a slight laugh. "The nineteenth." I replied with a slight laugh as well. I picked out another movie for us to watch, and I hopped that he liked it. After a while we ended up ordering a pizza for lunch, which was delicious. Once we ate, we decided to listen to some music instead of watch more movies or tv. He had his back leaning against the couch, but his head was resting on the couch cushion and his eyes were closed. I wasn't sure if he fell asleep, or if he was just relaxing. Either way I didn't really care, because he looked so peaceful and cute. My phone buzzed, and figured it was Garrett texting me.

Garrett: Hey, how has you day been with Mr. Brown Eyes? ;)

Me: Lol. It's been pretty good actually.

Garrett: Is he feeling any better?

Me: I think he is, but I can't be sure. Right now he has his eyes closed while we listen to music.

Garrett: Aww. :3

Me: Lol. But he does look adorable.

Garrett: We have a couple assignments in our computer classes. I can help you out with them tomorrow if you'd like.

Me: Thanks for telling me! Yes, I'll probably need your help to understand what we're doing in class. Lol

Garrett and I talked for a little bit before he said he had to go. "Garrett?" I heard Johnny say in a questioning tone. "Yeah, he said we had some assignments for the classes we have together." I replied. Johnny yawned and stretched, which looked so adorable. "What do you wanna have for dinner tonight?" He asked me curiously. "I don't know. What do you want?" I asked him curiously as well. After a few minutes of talking we decided to make some steaks and baked potatoes. I didn't have anything in the fridge or freezer, so we went to the grocery store. "I hope no one recognizes me from the college." Johnny said once he parked the car. "If they do, and they see us together we can just say we ran into each other." I said as we got out of the vehicle. "True. I just hope they believe it." He replied as we walked towards the store. We went through the different isles and I picked out everything I needed to fill my fridge. "I'm gonna pay for the groceries. Don't even start arguing with me." I said as we walked towards the checkout line. "Fine." He said with an amused chuckle, which made me smile. After we paid for the groceries we loaded everything into Johnny's car and then headed back to my place. "Let me help you put everything away." He said kindly. Once we put everything away, we prepared the steaks for frying and the potatoes for baking. Cooking with Johnny was so fun, and the food seemed to taste better just because I made it with him. After eating we headed into the living room to watch another movie and just relax. "Hey, you're too far away." Johnny said as he scooted closer to me. I giggling slightly as I wrapped my arms around his torso, which made him chuckle. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and reclined against the couch. I leaned back with him and cuddled into his side, which made him chuckle. "You know... I'm glad that you decided to skip your classes and hangout with me." He said with a cute smile on his face. "You are?" I asked curiously with a small smile of my own. "Yeah, just spending time with you put me in a better mood." He replied. "Well, I'm glad you're in a better mood." I said happily. He gently kissed my forehead, and I felt my cheeks heat up. His lips felt soft against my skin, and I wondered what it would feel like to kiss them. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my head, and focused on the movie we were watching. Today was the best day off ever, even though I probably had mountains of work to make up for my classes.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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