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(updating in a few i promise ;) )

yooo , i got tagged by the wonderful ItstheLASTKOOKIE ((:

yooo , i got tagged by the wonderful ItstheLASTKOOKIE ((:

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mkay now to think extremely lmao

1) i'm 5'7-5'8, pretty tall for my age lmao

2) kayla isn't my real name, but my middle name ;)))

3) i'm afro-latina, which means i'm black and mexican

4) i've ate a carolina reaper before, don't do it lmao.
but if you're apart of a highly mexican family, they finna make you go through sum crazy shit

5) i want to be a writer (obviously) and a photographer when i grow up (:

6) my favorite go to genre of music is r&b if you couldn't tell by amnesia lmao

7) i have a highly obsession with arizona ice tea, don't wanna talk bout it 🙃

8) i prefer online shopping then going to the mall oof, unless it's with my friends cuz we would break stuff tbh

9) just learned i have seasonal allergies so yay 👍🏽

10) i also barely got glasses like a week ago, #cantseefromfarawaygang

extra : 11) i lost ideas at #7 lmao

nomination aka the hunger games

i only follow a little amount of accounts so gonna tag jzt a few


i don't want to spoil THAT much but,
in one of my books, everything happened a few years ago and it's from your point of view actually.
(theirs more to it aha)

it can be a book upcoming or one already published, but that's for me to know and for you to find out ((;

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