Truth or Dare

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Jin took a deep breath. He had been playing truth or dare with the members and the spinner landed on him. Stupid Jimin, he thought. Jimin was constantly teasing him about his crush - Namjoon. Namjoon was perfect in every way, or at least to Jin. Jimin gave Jin the dare - to kiss Namjoon on the cheek. Jin's heart pumped faster. How could he kiss his crush without making a fool out of himself? Namjoon was probably straight anyway. He would just play off the kiss as a stupid dare, but to Jin, this meant a lot more.

Jin was so caught up in his emotions whenever he was near Namjoon that he failed to notice how Namjoon acted around him. Namjoon liked Jin just as much as Jin liked him, if not more. However, every time Namjoon thought about Jin, he just shook his head and tried to divert his attention. He shouldn't be feeling this way about a guy, right?

Anyway, when Jimin announced the dare, Namjoon flushed red but decided not to say anything. This was a livestream so he had to pretend that he didn't want the kiss, but he didn't trust his mouth to not say something stupid at the moment so he kept quiet. Namjoon's acting, however, gave Jin the impression that Namjoon didn't like him but he tried not to show any feelings of disappointment. Jin knew that he had to kiss Namjoon either now or never so he quickly gave Namjoon a kiss on the cheek. The rest of the members laughed while Namjoon and Jin blushed, and then the game continued. It seemed like everyone had forgotten about it as quickly as it was brought up, but neither Namjoon nor Jin could concentrate for the rest of the game.

Later that evening, Jin went over to the room he shared with Namjoon. He saw Namjoon scrolling on his phone and decided to talk to him. "I'm sorry for, uh, earlier," Jin said awkwardly. "No problem," said Namjoon. "Want to do it again?" "Do what?" asked Jin, confused and shocked. "Kiss me!" said Namjoon, making kissy faces afterwards. They both laughed, and then Jin asked if he was joking. "Of course not!" Namjoon replied, "unless you don't want to."

"Wait," said Jin, "does that mean you like me?" "Jin, are you stupid?" Namjoon asked, "Would I ask someone for a kiss if I didn't like them? I know I try to hide my feelings for you a lot, but I just keep failing so I decided I'll just admit it. I like you, Jin. A lot. Way more than I should. It's okay if you don't like me back. You probably don't. You probably just did it for the dare. I'm sorry. I bet you hate me now. I'll just stop wasting your time now." Namjoon was almost in tears at this point.

"Joon," called Jin quietly, "Joon?" Namjoon looked up at Jin from his seat on the bed. "I don't hate you," Jin said, "and I don't like you either." "O-Okay. I-I'll just leave then," said Namjoon, a little shaky, as he turned to leave the room. "Joonie! Wait!" Jin called as he placed his hands on Namjoon's shoulders and spun him around, "You didn't let me finish!" "What do you have to finish? You said you don't like me back. I don't need you to break my heart any more," said Namjoon.

"Joon," said Jin, "no matter how hard I try to like you I just can't. I've gone too far. I know it's too early, but I love you, Namjoon. I love you. Ever since I first met you, I thought you were too beautiful to be ignored. I've had a crush on you since our debut and recently I've started thinking differently. I don't just like you anymore, Namjoon. I love you."

Jin pulled Namjoon closer, and before Namjoon could say a word, their lips were connected. Jin had his hands in Namjoon's hair and Namjoon's hands were snaked around Jin's waist. Their lips fit each other so perfectly, like they were made for each other. Jin swore he felt sparks. Namjoon loved Jin's lips. They were so soft and they tasted like the sweetest candy. They both wanted the kiss to last forever, but eventually they pulled back for air and Namjoon smiled. "Want to go out and get some ice cream?" he asked. Jin smiled back. "Sure," he replied.

They opened the door to leave, only to see Jimin and the other members peeking through the peephole and Jimin recording their entire conversation. Jimin smirked. "Took you guys long enough," he said slyly. "I'll be posting this on Twitter." "JIMIN!" both Namjoon and Jin screamed as they chased Jimin around the dorm. "Kidding!" Jimin yelled, "but I still have the video and it's not going anywhere any time soon." "Jimin, I swear to God, why are you like this?" Jin yelled back as he and Namjoon went off to get some ice cream.

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