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Jin lay awake in his bed, unable to sleep. It was around midnight and Yoongi said he would be out at the studio until about 3 AM. Jin decided to text his boyfriend to come over.


Come over here
I can't sleep :(

Isn't Yoongi there though?

Nah he's in his studio. He said he'd be back around 3 so we have plenty of time.

Ok I'm coming love ❤️

Namjoon snuck out of his bed, careful not to wake up Tae as he went to Jin's room across the hallway. He opened the door slightly and walked up to Jin's bed. "I'm here," he said softly. "Hi," said Jin, "can we talk?" "What is it baby? Something bothering you?" "No, just wanted to talk. By the way, do you have any plans for our anniversary?" Jin asked.

Their 3-year anniversary was in 2 weeks and both the boys were looking forward to it. However, they couldn't really do anything fancy because ARMYs were literally everywhere and they would find out sooner or later. What to say about telling ARMY when they hadn't even told the members yet? "Oh, I don't really know. There isn't much we can do without the members or ARMY finding out."

"Do you think maybe we should tell the members tomorrow? Then we would have a few more options and we won't have to hide anymore. We've barely been able to spend time with each other lately and we've kept them in the dark for almost 3 years now," suggested Jin. "Hmm, I suppose that's a good idea. We can tell them tomorrow. I'm sure they'll accept us, they're like a second family to us," Namjoon responded as he squeezed Jin's hand.

"Okay, can we cuddle now?" Jin whined cutely. Namjoon obviously agreed, how could he say no to such a cutie? He got in the bed and held Jin tight, like he was scared that Jin would fly away if he let go.

Jin loved cuddling with his boyfriend, and so did Namjoon. Although Namjoon was always seen as a rapper and leader with a dark aura who spit fire, he had a soft spot for Jin and was actually very needy for his touch, always wanting to hold his hand or hug him. They were very touchy, even in public, but the other members just thought that they were very close friends. Occasionally, though, they would make comments about it, saying they looked like a married couple or just teasing them, leaving them both with red faces.

Namjoon always listened to everything Jin said, had advice for him when he needed help, or was just physically present whenever Jin needed him, like now. Namjoon loved Jin to the moon and back, and Jin loved Namjoon even more, if that was possible.

"God, Jin, I love you so much. Words aren't even enough to explain how I feel when I'm with you. Even if we've been together for almost 3 years now, nothing has changed, except my feelings for you have gotten deeper. Even at your slightest touch my heart races, and whenever you tell me you love me I feel like I'm going to explode. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I see you, and when you call me pet names my insides seem to melt. I'm like butter, melting under your touch, and when you kiss me... I can't even explain how much I love that feeling, your lips against mine..." he trailed off. Jin was staring at him in awe. "God, I probably sound so cheesy right now but I love you, more than I have ever loved anyone. You're my other half."

"Namjoon..." Jin tried to reply but his heart was beating wildly, like it was trying to jump out of his chest. Unable to form a coherent reply Jin just cupped Namjoon's face in his hands and kissed him. Both of them were so in love with each other and absolutely nothing could come in their way and break them apart. For a while, they stayed in that position, just lying there in each other's arms and kissing. Jin was wondering how someone as perfect as Namjoon could exist, and, well, Namjoon was wondering the same thing about Jin.

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