Adrien Agrest Part 2

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Marinette  (P.O.V)

It was my lunchbreak.  I feel so lost around here. I mean of course I am actually lost. Cause I don't know where I am going. But I am lost cause I miss adrien. I wish we could just talk for hour we without the lunchbreak. Then agian every one needs to eat. Anyways I doubt he feels the same anyway. So I am going to keep it business as much as I can. I just hope I don't ruin anything.

Sasha - Hey Marinette you ready for lunch.

Marinette - (turns around) Yeah where is the cafeteria ?

Sasha - Oh yeah I forgot that you were new. It was just you actually got to talk to Adrien without anything bad happen to you.

Marinette - (shocked) You were spying on me.

Sasha - Yeah everyone does when the new comer goes to adrien. Now we don't have to spy on you anymore. We know you can handle him.

Marinette - Thanks

(In the cafeteria )

Marinette - I would like a salad and some orange juice.

Cook - Coming up

Sasha - Can I get a cheeseburger and fries with a soda.

Cook - Sure coming up.

Marinette - So this is the cafeteria.  It doesn't look bad.

Sasha - Yeah it doesn't but it look a lot worse last year.

Marinette - (confused) Why?

Sasha - Cause of Adrien and he spray painted everything. The cafeteria was destroyed.  So we had to rebuild it.

Marinette - (surprise) Wow

Sasha - You know we should be thanking him. Without him we wouldn't get what we get.

Marinette - Well that is surprising. We're do they eat at?

Sasha - (points outside were they are) They eat outside everyday.

Marinette - (sees Adrien all alone) Wow are we allowed out their?

Sasha  - Idk all I know is that in winter or raining they wait till we get done to eat.

Marinette - (surprised) Now that is not fair.

Sasha - Yeah I know awful  (sad )

Marinette - Well hold my spot I am going to talk to the boss.

Sasha - Ok you go and talk to her.

(At the office)

Mrs.Edward - Yes what is it Marinette.

Marinette - Why are all of the patients outside?

Mrs.Edward - The reason cause they are dangerous.

Marinette - (mad ) They are not dangerous.  They are holding things in that makes them do what they do. Don't you understand that you separate them from real people. Then you are making them more dangerous.  Cause they wouldn't have anyone but their imagination. I propose that whoever is their therapist will eat lunch with them. Inside the cafeteria and not working on therapy just normal talk. So what do you think about that.

Mrs.Edward - Your right

Marinette - Thank you

Mrs.Edward - Also it starts today.

Marinette - Alright see you later.

Mrs. Edward - See you later

Marinette - bye

Mrs. Edward - bye

( At the cafeteria )

Sasha - Marinette the patients are here to eat here permanently.  How did you do it.

Marinette - Determination and facts also persuading.

Adrien - Well a purrfect combo may I add.

Marinette - (jumps and turn around)

Adrien - Wow I didn't know I scared you. (Smirks)

Marinette - You didn't scare me just surprised.

Adrien - Well you shouldn't be surprised. You made this happen. Plus you did recommend that us patients stay with their therapist.
Marinette - Oh that's right well I didn't think you would come that fast.

Adrien - Sorry purrincess  (kisses her hand)

Marinette - (blushes ) Well thank you but I have to go get my food.

Adrien - Don't worry I already got it for you. Why would you get a salad and orange juice.

Marinette - Because I am not really hungry.

Sasha - Well I am going to leave you two love birds alone.

Marinette - (wined) Sasha  really you almost sound like alya. Thankfully her boyfriend comes along to stop her. I mean one time in high school I had a crush on a boy. Then she teased me but I am over him.

Adrien -  Well let's eat

Marinette - Ok what table?

Adrien - ( points to the table )

Marinette - Oh I see it.

Adrien - Now so how is your life.

Marinette - Well it is great help people out and stay with alya my bff. Spend time by myself in a room and sleep. You know you are my first patient in four years.

Adrien - Oh yeah and why that purrincess? (Smirks)

Marinette - (sad) Well see my last one was Nathaniel. He was a good patient too. He always follows the rules. Then one day I was late to come for an oppointment.  I totally forgot that he wasn't used for me being late. Then agian I had family issues back then. That day he ran away. Never saw him agian.

Adrien - Wow must have been heard.

Marinette - Yeah but sometimes you can't save them all.

(After lunch)

Marinette - Well time to talk agian.

Adrien - Yeah I can't wait.

Marinette - Well come on

Adrien -  Yeah

Hey it is the author short not what you are thinking. Well I was supposed to get to have a longer chapter out yesterday. But I didn't go as plan I didn't finish my longest chapter of my other story. No seriously it was 40023 words or more.  It too three hours cause I had to get off my phone a couple of times. So yeah chapter four might come out tomorrow. I have no clue I have school till four.  So yeah see you next time.

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