Mallory's New Life

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The title explains it all. For those  who don't know a modern AU is the characters in a modern,
non-magical setting. This story is going to be the life of Halfborn and Mallory and the other characters in modern Boston.

Mallory's POV:
       I stepped out of the Boston airport, all of my belongings in hand. My drunken father, inexistent mother, and criminal life behind me back in Ireland.
      The comforting weight of my hunting knife in my waist belt under my shirt on my waist. I don't know why I found it comforting, it had been handed to me by the crazy hag in white along with the plane ticket.
      I retrieved the crumpled paper with the address to my recently rented apartment from my jeans pocket.
    I hailed a cab and paid the man,  listening to my music on my trip to my new life.
      The cab stopped in front of an old brick building, Valhalla Apartments. I grabbed my duffle and marched through the courtyard to the large wooden doors.
      The hall was full of Norwegian artifacts, they looked as if they should be in a museum, not some cheap apartment building. I had been surprised at the price of the apartments.
        They were just in my price range of the money I had stolen from my father and ex-boyfriend, along with college funds from when my pa had been a decent person. They were nice rooms in a safe location and a reasonable monthly rent.
       I walked to the front desk and rang the bell. A man walked to the desk, his name tag read, Helgi.
     "Hey, I just rented the apartment on," I checked my paper, "floor 19, room 145." My Irish accent flowing through my words.
      "Ah, yes. Miss, Keen," he typed some keys on his laptop, then reached behind him, handing me two keys.    
        "Here are your room keys, the one with the black symbol on it is for your room. The other is for the front and back door. Would you like Hudding to take your bag?"
     "No, thanks." I say, gripping my bag a bit tighter.
      "Okay, the elevator is to your left then. Hope you enjoy our apartments."  He says before returning to his computer.
       The elevator had some Nordic music playing. I blew my unruly red hair from my eyes, watching the numbers on the elevator screen go up.
       19 comes and the doors open. Suddenly a blur darts past, followed by the largest man I have ever seen. The blur had shut and locked the door.
       "Thomas Jefferson! You useless piece of flesh! I was nearly done with that term paper!" The giant man bellows, banging on the closed door.
      The man was incredibly hot looking, with a wild beard and hair, abs, with arms the size of my calves. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at my thoughts. Even with his height and facial hair he looked my age, 18.
       I find my door, which is just to the left of the man who is still banging on the blur's door.
       Placing the key in the lock, I try to get in the door before he notices me.
"Hey," too late.
     I don't turn to address the voice. Turning key, the door doesn't budge. I sigh, wiggling the key in the lock.
       "You just moved in?" He asks.
"Obviously." I say, attention still on the lock.
      "That one needs some wiggling." The man says.
"No shit! Would does it look like I'm doing Sherlock?" I fire sarcastically. Probably not the best way to make a first impression on your new neighbor but that's just how I am.
        "Here, let me help." He offered.
"I've got it." I say, even though the lock still refused to budge.
       "Or," he pushes me out of the way, causing me to trip over my duffle and land on my arse. "I could just do it." As he opens the door for me.
       I get up, grab my bag try to march into my room. The oaf stands in my way.
"To open your door, you have to tilt the key up then to the right and it'll up right open." He states.
       "And you know that why?" I cross my arms and shift my weight to my other foot.
      "Had a friend who had this place. He moved out, he didn't die though. Moved back to Chicago." A hint of sadness appeared in his chocolate brown eyes.
     "I'm Halfborn Gunderson by the way." He extends a hand for me to shake, I don't.
"Halfborn?" I question.
"When I was born, my mom thought I looked half-born so the name kind of stuck."
"And you're still ugly," I say even though that wasn't true. The oaf was still in my way.
     "And you are..." He asks, as I try to side step him.
     "Mallory Keen, now move!" I say, trying push past him.
       "Halfborn whats the ruckus?" A boy around my age can out. He was African American with black curly hair and a blue shirt that said, "George Washington once said you believe everything your read on a shirt." With a picture of the US president.
       "Oh, new girl." He said addressing me. "I'm sorry you had to meet this jackass first, not all of the residentes here are like him." He says, Halfborn scoffs.
       "Thomas Jefferson Jr. But I go by TJ." TJ says, extending a hand like Halfborn did, I still didn't shake it.
     "Mallory Keen," I say shortly and return my attention to Gunderson.
"Now move you ragdoll, I've got things to do!" I demand.
        "Fine, but how about I give you a tour of Boston?" He offers.
      "How do you know I haven't lived here before?" I ask.
"Your accent is has thick as this guy's head." TJ jumps in.
     "Fine, I'll take a tour. Now move your fat-arse." Halfborn complies and I set my stuff down by the door. I make sure my door is locked and my keys are in my pocket before following my arguing neighbors to the elevator.

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