Project: Next Gen & Enter The Tyrannical Land of the Waves

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Previously On...... Naruto the 7th Campione

(A/N: I should have probably mentioned this earlier but kind of forgot oops... Anyway, I bumped up the graduation age of academy to 15 instead of what it is in cannon; 12-13 I believe, because I honestly believe 12-13 being able to stomach killing a person at that age (and other ninja related stuff) therefore the change. Also, the academy finished in June and with that 2 weeks break it's like in 3 or 4th week in June atm, yeah I think that's all for now. Enjoy the Chapter!)

"Amazing, can I expect more of those in the future" Naruto said

"If I get more dates like this then sure" she said sultry

"Bye" said heading to the compound with sway in her hips all he could do was wave dumbly until she was out so sight. Looking at dumb folded guards with their mouth's wide open turning to them he said "Close your mouth you'll catch flies" he said body flickering out of there.

2 Months Later....

3rd P.O.V

"This is Raven in position waiting on standby, over" Sasuke said over the intercom.

"This is Kitsune at position Alpha" Naruto replied.

"Same here, Rabbit over" Sakura said

"And, Knight over" Mika chimed

"Alright, team target in sight weapons ready" Kakashi said. As Team 7 ready their weapon towards their "enemy".

"Ready, GO" He Shouted. In one swift move Naruto and Sasuke concerned their target while Sakura blow a dart with a sleeping agent at the target.

Seeing the target asleep at the moment, Kakashi spoken up and said "Alright, team. Target acquired check for the red ribbon the left ear"

"Aye Sir" Naruto said cheekily

"Ribbon confirmed, sir" Naruto said

"Thank you, Naruto" Kakashi responded

"Okay then to the tower then my cute little, genin" Kakashi said with a eye smile as he turned around and walked on the main towards the Hokage's tower. Hearing their sensei's words, the team followed closely behind him. Thinking about the two months that come and passed.

Flashback...... 2 Months Earlier

It had been the morning after their first training and meeting as a team. And, now their here again at 7:00 a.m. surrounded by nature's green face with three training posts in the center of the area that is known as Training Ground 7. With Sasuke and Naruto checking their kunai and shuriken and Mika with her rapier while Sakura studied a book on Poisons and Anatomy. Two hours had gone by and the team begin to get restless until Naruto sensed his chakra signature.

Looking up he said "Took you long enough, Crow-sensei". Hearing their teammates voice the rest of the team looked up to seeing Kakashi walking towards them with what appeared to be scrolls in four of his many pockets.

"Sorry, guys but I really have I good reason this time" Kakashi replied

"Really, let me guess black crossed your path and have to take the long way around" Naruto asked sarcastically

"Or, was it the poor old lady with her groceries" Sasuke continued

"Or, did you run into some S-rank ninja and to hold them off by yourself until reinforcements arrived" Sakura added

"No, guys he obviously got lost on the road of life" Mika concluded.

At the end of this monologue Kakashi had tears in his eyes hugging them he said "You really are my students" Letting them go he got a bit more serious "But, not this time. I actually plan a training routine for each of for your specific talents" he said as he handed each student a scroll "Also, I thought It'll be fun to have a team uniform so I had one made and include in there also" he finished. As the team opened the scrolls and released the uniforms a poof obstructed their view for a few seconds before it cleared and they saw : a black form fitting long sleeved shirt with dark grey hard leather ascents, an olive green short sleeve uniform with several pockets and hood, close fitting olive long pants for the boys and for the girls an olive skirt with black tights and black lightweight combat boots instead of the traditional ninja sandals and black kunai and shuriken handlers and to finish it a black sheathed tanto however for Sakura she had more of an elongated senbon with a ash grey color with scattered sakura petals along the length with a leather grip the total length of the senbon was 1 foot and 8 inches as well as a senbon launcher and for Mika she had a thin bladed jian much like a rapier blade. A kanji for "7" on the left breast pocket and "Next Gen" on the right shoulder in brilliant red finished the look off. Unknown to them (expect Naruto) this was happening to all the other genin teams with few alterations.

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