*Cooking Lessons* Kuboyasu Aren

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"Not exactly how I wanted it to turn out..." you mumbled as you stared at your mess of a bento. Lately, you had been wanting to take a homemade bento to school. Unfortunately, you were infamous for your awful cooking. Once in Home EC you had managed to start a fire while making pancakes. Everybody teased you over it, but it was pretty funny watching your Home Ec teacher freak out over the fire. You sighed in disappointment at your awful bento. You had thought that practicing cooking would slowly, but surely better your cooking. However, no matter how hard you tried it always came out bland, burnt, or you started a fire. Not to mention that the kitchen was always a disaster after you finished cooking. You took a quick look over the kitchen. Rice was scattered all over the floor, pans were littered throughout the counter, there was a strange puddle on the floor, veggies were half-sliced and sitting on the cutting board.

"This is going to be a pain to clean up. Ugh. This is what I get for trying to cook without help." you said to yourself. You reluctantly went to get all the cleaning supplies you would need.

After you had finished cleaning up, you wondered what you should do in order to get better at cooking. You could ask someone for help, but they would probably decide that you were a lost cause. Which you were. You could go to a cooking class, but that required money and you were broke. Plus there weren't any cooking classes near you. You could also get a cookbook, but you were more of a hands-on person. A cookbook would probably confuse you more.

"Agh! I'll just sleep and think about it tomorrow. Sleeping is supposed to help your brain.... I think." you muttered to yourself as you made your way to your bedroom. You flopped onto your comfy bed and immediately fell asleep.

The Next Day

You woke up feeling slightly sleepy and hungry. You got up and went to brush your teeth. While brushing your teeth you resolved to go buy more groceries since you had used quite a bit while trying to perfect your bento yesterday. You got dressed and started walking towards the supermarket which was close to where you lived. When you got there you walked through the aisles deciding what to get get. In the end you got more rice, salmon, mushrooms, and some veggies. While you were paying for your items you noticed Kuboyasu Aren. Kuboyasu was a transfer student and seemed like a pretty average guy. Seemed. At school you accidentally overheard Kaidou mumbling to himself of how surprised he was that Kuboyasu used to be a delinquent. Kaidou wasn't the type of guy to lie about other students so it probably was true. It didn't bother you at all though. All that mattered was how Kuboyasu was acting now and here. You paid for your items and went over to talk to him.

"Hey Kuboyasu! I've never seen you here." you said while giving him a small wave.

He waved back and said "Yeah, I don't usually shop here, but they were having a sale on some stuff that I needed so I went here instead." You nodded your head in acknowledgement. The supermarket near your house had a lot of good items, but they cost a pretty penny so you usually went when they were having a sale or you were running low on food. You took a quick glance at his shopping bag. It had a New York Steak, Cauliflower, Cumin, Blood Oranges, Broccoli, and cooking oil.

"Are these for your mom?" you asked. Maybe Kuboyasu was on an errand for his mom or he needed them something. Your mom always made you do things like that.

Kuboyasu smiled and then replied with "No, I'm going to make a dish. Not exactly sure what I'm going to make but it'll be fine." At that exact moment you felt an idea come up. If someone had saw you they would have seen a light bulb glowing over your head. You did a bow in front of Kuboyasu.

"Kuboyasu! Could you please teach me how to cook?" you begged. Since Kuboyasu was new he shouldn't know about your horrible cooking skills. A few seconds went by, but to you it felt like hours. You could feel little beads of sweat start to form since Kuboyasu hadn't said anything. You were about to stand back up and play if off as a joke, but then Kuboyasu spoke up.

"You want me to teach you?," He seemed to be a little surprised but quickly recovered "Sure! I'd be glad to teach you some of the cooking basics." You quickly thanked him and you both agreed to meet next Sunday since you were both free that day.

At first the cooking lessons hadn't gone that well even though you were trying your best. Kuboyasu had decided to test the waters and see what you could do. He asked you to make some breakfast. Since, you weren't the best cook you decided to go with something simples. You had served scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and some orange juice. Things had not gone well. Your eggs and toast turned out burnt and inedible. The bacon was alright, but very bland. The only good thing was the orange juice, but that didn't count since you had bought it. After, Kuboyasu saw this he decided to start with the very basics. He had taught you how to make scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, omelet, miso soup, rice, perfectly toasted toast, juicy bacon, and grilled fish. It had taken you a while to learn but with some persistence you had finally learned how to make a decent breakfast. Kuboyasu decided to test you one last time to make sure you really knew how to make breakfast.

"I want you to make me a breakfast. It can't be the same thing as last time though. That's my only request." Kuboyasu said. You gave a determined nod with a fierce look in your eyes. You would not fail no matter what!

You decided to make miso soup, rice, tea and grilled fish. You prepared all your ingredients and got to work. The kitchen was filled with a delicious smell that would have made your mother proud. When you were done you looked down at your masterpiece and gave a satisfied smile. You carried it over to Kuboyasu and set it down. He gave his thanks and started eating. 20 minutes later and he was finally done. He took a deep breath and smiled.

"Good job. It tasted amazing! Big difference from the first breakfast you served me." Kuboyasu jokingly said. You gave a sheepish smile.

"Thanks! It wouldn't have been possible without you. Thanks for not giving up on me. I know it must have inconvenient for you." you mumbled.

He shook his head. Then he said "There was no problem. Besides I learned some things too. It was fun cooking along with you."

Kuboyasu eventually had to leave and you walked him to the door. You waved goodbye and felt a bit sad at the fact that he had to leave so soon. Kuboyasu and you had bonded through all your mistakes, cooking, and you achievement. You even considered him a close friend by now. You couldn't help but watch him go until he was out of sight. You went inside to clean up the dishes. All throughout the day Kuboyasu kept popping into your head. His deep voice, his kind demeanor, his cooking skills, his fierce but gentle eyes. Every time you thought of him your cheeks warmed up and a warm, deep feeling blossomed in you chest. You couldn't stop thinking about him until you finally fell asleep. However, the warm, fuzzy, feeling remained in your heart. 

*Authors Note* 

To the reader who made a request please contact me and you can give me a bit more details. I will gladly do it! Thanks! :)

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