Chapter 1

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This chair is uncomfortable. That's the only though in my mind as I stand before the fifty or so boys, who are one at a time walking up and down the row of fifty or so girls. The boy who's currently choosing, Elijah, has his eyes set on a girl about five seats down. She's tall but slight, mousy brown hair tumbling down and around her shoulders in thick curls. She looks excited, like a Mutant choosing her will be the best thing that's ever happened to her. That's what I call them, at least. Mutants. I've heard it a few times around my block and, surprisingly, I think it's catching on.

"Her." He smirks and the current mediator nods, motioning for 'her' to follow him outside. "Mackenzie Fall chosen by Elijah West." He announces and I can hear a faint cheering in the distance: Mackenzie's family most likely. She is the first pick, after all. That's something to celebrate.

I'm Isis. I've just recently turned eighteen and am now being permanently bound to a stranger who's been in training for the past eleven years to protect me. The row of boys have all gone through a special program called 'The Valiant System' in which they are injected with a poison, as I call it, named so cleverly 'The Valiance Serum'.

The serum, cough, poison, contains some sort of mutated genetics that enable the receiver to, not only have completely heightened senses, but to acquire an ability (formerly known as a super power). The people chose for the Valiant System are chosen for a reason: they're more brave than everyone else. At age ten, every single kid is put through a series of tests that challenges our audacity, and the highest scores of the group are upgraded into the program to receive their injection.

Each ability given depends on the receivers genetics. The following are a few of the given abilities:

- Mimicry

- Invisibility

- Healing

- Heightened strength.

- Metamorphosis

Those are the most common ones given. The rare ones, though, those are left to the best of the best. The most rare ability, belongs to one boy in each group. Out of fifty, one has the ultimate prize. This boy is referred to as 'the Extended.'

The Extended has a combination of three powers, and is therefore the best Guardian. The most interesting part of this whole organized system, though, is that none of the Pedestrians know who the Extended is. Until the last man is standing. The Extended always gets the last picked. It's their final test: The unwanted must be protected the most.


The only thing I am able to look at is the glowing triangle on my right forearm. It pulses, almost, as if my heart beat makes each thumb decrease than instantly increase the brightness of the white light. I know My name will be called last. And so does every boy to the left and right of me. My stomach twists, praying to god that it'll be over soon. I want to meet my Pedestrian, for God's sake.

When I was ten, I took the test. I fended off the tigers and I seam from Hawaii to California and I climbed a Red wood, all without a blink. The government says they knew instantly. They knew when they saw me use one hand to pull myself higher and on to the next limb. They knew when they saw the sea life form a path for me. They knew when they saw the Tiger bow to me on it's hind legs. They knew.

And when I was fifteen and my third and final ability was revealed, they automatically moved me up to the pent house of the school with the rest of the Extended. They told me I would be the greatest they had ever seen, and I tried not to let it get to my head. I tried.

My first ability came when I was twelve and I could all of a sudden move objects with my mind. Telekinesis. The first use of it was on a girl in my grade. I tugged on her pony tail using only my thoughts.

My second appeared when I about to turn fourteen, and about ready to tug my own cock off with only my brain. It became useful when I could start to make it through every physical training without even breaking a sweat. Physical Endurance. I could run twenty miles and barely be panting. Not at a super human speed, of course, that was Louis' ability. But at least he would get tired.

My third and final ability is my all time favorite. I can travel in time. I know, I know. It seems impossible, but isn't all of this? I haven't quite mastered it, so sometimes I wake up and have to redo the same day three times in a row, but most of the time, it's doable.

There's four girls left by the time I finally look up, and I smirk. I've heard of that one. The pale, small, blonde girl sitting in the back. Isis. I've heard she gets in a lot of trouble because of her innocence, and therefore needs a lot of guardianship. I'm the man for that job, and everyone knows it.

Thank god, because she's the last girl and I'm the last boy, and there's a warm feeling in my tummy. I get to watch this angel for the rest of my life.


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