Stolen <Part 1>

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Arcee pov
I drove along the Roads of outskirts Jasper Nevada, i looked at my mirror and saw a large figure flying towards me. Megatr-
A loud Screech came from the flying object. Or Should I say
Predaking. I transfromers and shot at him. But it was to no avail, he landed and transfromerd into a
Not? But I can't ask questions right now, i am starting in a fight. I fell back when he triped me with his tail. I felt a cold rush of energon flow thougrh my veins as he bite me in the neck. Just befor I passed out i saw him pick me up and fly away.

Predaking pov
Well I have arcee, the last femme. Besides arachnid, ewww. Well time to go fly to megatron. Or......... go rogue.
I go #2! I found a nest about two minutes later. Well not a nest but one that can be used as one. It was a little cave that went in a bit in had a perch that was smooth I set arcee inside the perch. I looked around and saw... Not much else there was a hole in the corner. I could put energon in there to store it. It was dark enough for Arcee's transformation. But not warm enough. I went and cruled up around her. And slowly fell asleep.

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