Let's go!

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Jiyong's POV:

Chaelin had been silent from the time we had left the restaurant to the time we had gotten in the car. Her head lolled against the window as she started out. We finally reach the hotel. I open the door of the car and try to get her out. Suddenly, she huffed angrily at me "I can get out of the car myself oppa." she stumbles out of the car and makes her way to the elevator.

I rush in behind her, my hands hovering uncertainty around her. "Be careful! You could collapse at any moment!" I yell at her.

She doesn't respond, instead she presses a button on the elevator wall, and I hope it's the correct one. She leans heavily against the wall opposite from me, her face is red and she is swaying on her feet. "I'll help you to your room, ok? There's no way you can walk there by yourself."

She pushes herself forward and places her palms on my chest, her face is close enough that I can feel her heavy breaths. The smell of her breath is familiar, suddenly it clicks.

"Oh my God."

"What is it oppa?" she asks, her voice is slurred and she leans even closer to me. Her eyes are narrowed and her red lips are parted slightly. I put my hand around her waist to steady her, I repress the urge to push her against a wall and kiss those red lips of her's.

"There was alcohol in your drink." I remember the towering glass that the drink had come in, which Chaelin had completely finished. "That must have been a whole bottle of wine."

She looks at me and frowns "That makes sense.." She slurs and leans against me,her body pressed against mine. She looks up at me and inclines her face upwards. The elevator dings as we reach the right floor. I push her away gently and try to put my hand around her waist but she walks away, ignoring me.

"Wait! You can't walk by yourself, let me help." I say, but she continues to stumble forwards, leaning against the wall.

I grab her hand and turn her towards me, "You missed your room." I tell her unable to resist a grin.

I pull her towards her room and take her house key from her purse and open the door.

I lead her towards the couch and tell her to lie down. There is a note on the fridge that reads: "We've gone to hang out with Jaebom (A.K.A Jay Park), We'll be back soon!"

"The other 2ne1 members will be back soon,you want me to stay with you until then?"

She nods and gets up from the couch, "I want you to stay with me....always. Stay with me, please..." she murmurs, her voice is deep and raspy, my heart races. She's drunk, she doesn't know what she's saying. Don't get so excited.

"I'll stay with you, but you need to lay down, you've drunk a whole bottle of wine." I tell her, gently holding her shoulders as I push her back.

"Get..... me another..... bottle." she tells me, shrugging of my hands from her shoulders.


"Get it....please, please oppa. I'll do anything.....I just want you....to give me the things I want...."

I sigh, but I can't refuse her big doe eyes, "Ok." As I go to her minibar I get a bottle with two glasses. I bring it to her, and almost drop everything.

She's leaning on the sofa, the top of her dress is unclasped, I can see her bra and her legs are on the cushions, her dress is riding up, revealing her thighs.

I place the bottles and the glasses on the coffee table,my hands are trembling. She reaches over and chugs the bottle, not bothering to even pour it into a glass.

"Chaelin, take it easy..." I tell her, my voice is choked.

She puts the now half empty bottle back on the table and gets up, stumbles over the coffee table and pushes me backwards until I hit a wall.

"Um..Chae-" I start, but I'm cut off by her lips pressing against mine, her hands pulling my jacket forward. My shock fads into pleasure and I instinctively reach for her hair clip and pull it out tossing it over her shoulder. I run my hands through her hair aggressively, cupping her face. Her hair is as soft as I imagined it and her breath smells like alcohol with an undercurrent of saltiness.I press my lips frelevently against hers and bit her bottom lip. My control dwindles and I grab her waist in a moment of lust and spin her around and smack her against the wall, switching our positions. Her eyes widen in shock, my hands are still on her, running up her curvy body. She sinks into my touch and melts into the kiss. She breaks apart from me for a second, still close enough for me to feel her eyelashes, and reaches up to the remaining clasps on her dress, my hands are pressed against either side of here against the wall. Before undoing the clasps she looks at me with half closed eyes, her lips are swollen and I want to claim them again, her face is even redder than before, from the alcohol or the kiss I can't tell.

My face heats up as she slowly and deliberately removes the clasps revealing even more of her body. She slowly closes the space between us with another kiss with such force that it pushes me back, she uses the momentum to put her hands on my chest and push me back on the couch, I fall onto it and she climbs up on top of me, her body pressing against mine.

Her hair falls around me and the small remaining bit of control breaks as I grab her hair and her head pushing back against her kiss. My hands are on her back, supporting her and suddenly her elbow knocks over the lamp behind her. The noise as it shatters is deafening, and it snaps me back to reality. I remove my hands from Chaelin, she leans against the arm of the couch, and move away from her until I'm at the opposite side of the couch.

She looks at me, the hurt and confusion clear in her face, "Oppa...? What's the problem?"

"Look, Chaelin, this isn't fair of me. You're drunk, you don't know what you're doing or thinking. It would be...horrible of me to take advantage of you like this. I shouldn't have done...anything that I just did, it was wrong." I say, closing my eyes, unable to look at her face.

"I'm sorry oppa. It was all my fault, you don't want me because I'm damaged, because of what happened in the past. No man will ever want me because of that,I understand. It's all my fault..." she sobs, her face buried in her hands.

"No! that's not what I meant! It's definitely not your fault. It's just that....whatever you're feeling right now, it isn't real, you're just drunk....now you need to rest, the others will be here soon, I should probably go." I start to get up

"No. Oppa, I have had these feelings for you since....forever. I wanted to confess today, but I'm incapable of doing even that...I love you."

I pause at her words "I love you.", and feel a pang in my heart as I realise that that she will never actually say that to me. "I wish that was true Chaelin..." I mutter and walk over to the door as I'm about to open it Chaelin shouts "Jiyong! Wait!" I turn around instinctively and I see her standing dangerously close to the shards of glass from the lamp.

"Chaelin sit down, please, or else you'll get hurt." I say, surprised at how tired my voice sounds.

She doesn't seem to register my words. Her eyes are almost closed, her entire body is swaying and even with the distance I can tell that she's breathing heavily.

"Chaelin?" I asked moving closer to her. She still doesn't respond, suddenly her legs fold over and she collapses. I rush forward and catch her before she falls,grabbing her waist, I pick her up bridal style and put her on the couch, trying my best to be gentle. I make sure she didn't step on the glass or anything and look for a broom, after all it is kinda my fault that the lamp broke and I don't want Chaelin getting hurt when I'm not here.

I sweep all the glass pieces into a corner, making sure that no one will step on it. Before I leave I look at her again and drape a blanket across her sleeping form. I finally leave her room, and lean heavily against her closed door, pulling my hair with my hands. I couldn't help thinking about what she had said "I love you" I wished so badly that was true..

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