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They sat in silence for a while, Remus thinking over what he had heard and subtly watching her. He reached over slowly after twenty minutes and rested his hand on hers, feeling a jerk in his chest and both of them being surrounded by a glowing light. "I believe you."

"Thank you." Her voice was filled with wonder, looking like she would cry. She truly hadn't been expecting him to want to be her mate. It was an absolutely amazing feeling as something in her settled a bit.

"What kind of inheritance did you have?" Remus rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. He was trying to think back on what the Potters had in their bloodlines that Harry would have had too.

"Drakon. I can show you." She looked down briefly, hoping he would take it calmly. The brunette was also hopeful, wanting to please him and waited for his answer.

"Please." Remus nodded, letting go of her hand so she could stand up and move to the center of the study which had a large clear space. It did make sense for the Potters and for the Blacks.

Her face changed first, teeth elongating and eyes turning a bright emerald green. He could faintly see a smattering of scales on her skin and her claws grew out as white wings burst from her back. The werewolf stared before standing up and going to smell her, taking in an ashy scent that reminded him of a fire burning.

"Why white wings?" Remus stroked a finger over the scales, smiling softly at the little shudder he received. It was clear that they were very sensitive.

"Unmated. They'll change colors now that you're here and we've mated." She retracted her Drakon features after a few minutes of allowing Remus to examine her. She leaned her head on his chest and took a deep breath of his scent also to commit to memory. This Remus smelled slightly different than the one she had known, not as happy. "They had gold, red, black, and silver on them before."

"And being here changed that?" Remus was curious, leading her to the small loveseat in the corner of the room. He was always eager for new information.

"Yup. It essentially broke my connection to the other universe." Kayla nodded, curling up to Remus's side and basking in having a mate. "My magic was running wild a few hours ago, from having no mates after having four. But the Drakon Healer came and helped."

"And you're okay now?" Remus looked at her while reaching out with his magic experimentally and feeling a warm sensation from her magic. The mixing of their magic was a bit euphoric and he smiled.

"Yeah. As much as he could. But you're here now which will help a lot." Kayla smiled at feeling the familiar sensation of his magic. "Arthur Weasley and his children are staying here for the time being with Harry and I. Going through a rough time and an inheritance too."

"I see. I'm glad you contacted me. And I'll be able to see Harry any time, right?" Remus looked anxious at the thought he'd not be able to see his pup. He wasn't sure he even deserved to see Harry.

"Of course! I wouldn't keep Harry from you. You're his family too!" Kayla looked mildly outraged. "He doesn't really remember much from before that night. But do not mention those horrible people he was placed with. They're the reason he sees Ted Tonks."

"I told Dumbledore that he shouldn't be there!" Remus's eyes flashed gold as he actually growled, a harsh sound in his chest. He had met Petunia Dursley once and that had been one time too many.

"Remus, calm. He's okay now. He's got us, Arthur, and the boys. We are his family." Kayla soothed gently. She was gripping his hand tightly and watching Remus's forest green eyes take back over.

"Thank you." Remus relaxed, pulling her tighter to his side as Moony took control for just a second. The wolf was curious about their new mate.

"That's what mates are for." She smiled. "Are you ready to see him? He should be up from his nap soon."

"So soon? Are you sure we should do that today? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me?" Remus was anxious again. "What if he's scared of me? Or hates me?"

"He won't. Harry is a sweet little boy and he likes people if I introduce them." Kayla reassured him. "His magic will probably remember yours too. It will feel familiar."

"I hope so. It would kill me if Harry hated me." Remus sighed while rubbing his face lightly. It was another nervous habit of his.

"He's awake now. Let's go see him." Kayla stood, holding a hand out to him and led him to Harry's nursery where the small boy was sitting up on the bed.

"Mama!" Harry called as he reached for the woman and totally ignoring the man. He was usually clingy after his naps.

"Harry, Lily is your Mama and it's not polite to call me that. I am your Aunty." The brunnette woman scolded gently, scooping her nephew up and holding him. "This is Remus, Baby."

"Remus?" Harry's adorable toddler voice squeaked out, the boy's emerald eyes staring at the scarred werewolf's face suspiciously before giving a cute smile. "Hi! Am Harry! Nice to meet Remus!"

"Remus knew you when you were a baby, Harry. He was one of your Daddy's best friends." Kayla watched how Remus was still cautious.

"Hello, Harry. It's been a long time since I've seen you." Remus stepped closer. He smiles hesitantly at the boy and also feeling the boy's magic curiously reaching. Harry wasn't consciously doing it though. He just had a lot of magic and it spilled out sometimes. "You were really small."

"Dis small?!" Harry put his hand about a bit higher than knee high to his aunt. She had set him on the floor.

"Yup. That small. You were so little and precious. You had your dad wrapped around your little fingers." Remus sat on the rocking chair, smiling as he reminisced. "Anything you wanted or even seemed like you wanted, he'd get. Your Mama Lily was worried you'd be spoiled but she also caved most of the time to you."

Harry scampered up into Remus's lap, leaning against the man's chest and looking up at him. He ignored that he was a big boy of age four and that he shouldn't want to be held, this man felt safe and familiar. His New Mama would be upset if he ever said he was too big to cuddle though. She was of the opinion that there was no too big for cuddling.

Remus carefully wrapped an arm around Harry's waist as he started rocking gently. He told stories while Kayla sat on the comfortable window seat and also listened.

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