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      Sehun tries to ignore the pain on his shoulder, focusing himself to keep going and doesn't mind the wound, but it's hard. He scrunch his face in pain as he clutch his shoulder in attempt to stop the bleeding. Cursing internally, he finds a spot to hide and crouch down, trying his best to stop the blood from running down. He recognizes his friends' voices, calling out for him in worry. The sound of a gun rippling in the air was blocked out by his ears, he doesn't care if his rival sees him and shoot him. He's born ready for death. He hears footsteps getting closer. Looking up, he finds Kim Jongin, his closest friend — close enough to be considered as his best friend, crouching sown to meet his level with his eyes wide with worry.

      "Sh*t, keep doing that." The tanned skin man motion towards his hand on his shoulder, seeing the red liquid covering his hand. "I'll help you get up. The others will cover us." Despite the concern filling his brown eyes, Sehun can see a hint of surprise in them. He doesn't blame Jongin for that. Anyone would be surprised. Oh Sehun, the skilled shooter among other gangsters, just got shot. He never got shot, not until this time. Everyone knows Sehun as the unbeatable one, but that can be scratch off. "Tao, hurry!" Jongin yelled as he help the younger to his feet, bringing him to their car.

      Zitao, the mentioned chinese man, run towards Sehun's other side to shield him from any attack. Shooting towards his right where he sees a head peeking behind the bricked wall. They waste no time getting in the car. The war tonight was really chaotic — probably the most chaos one. His face has dirt on it, a fresh scar on his eyebrow. "Sehun got shot." And that's all he needs before Kris, the leader of their gang, zoomed off with their car without another word.

      Chanyeol, who was seated on the passanger's seat, glance over Sehun in worry. "How did he get shot?" He asked towards Jongin, not directly asking the youngest so that he can focus on being conscious.

      "He was loading his gun when someone shot him." Instead of Jongin, Luhan answers for him. He closes his eyes while running his hand through his brown hair, making it look more disheveled. "I don't know who, it was dark and he was wearing a mask."

      The rest of the drive was silent, everyone were trying to clear their minds, praying for their youngest friend to be okay. They try to keep Sehun awake and successfully did it, thanks to the loud, red haired Chanyeol. He tries to crack a joke or two to ease up the atmosphere in the vehicle, although his attempts were poor according to Tao.

      Oh Sehun is the gangster every guy wants to be (and wants to be with). Gifted with his black textured fringe hair, sharp jaw line, soft pink lips, sharp enticing brown eyes, attractive dark brows, tall body, broad shoulders, has six packs, the kind of voice that makes you shiver — just perfect. Too bad he killed people. Not like Sehun enjoys killing people, but he likes being a gangster.

      "Why are we going to a hospital? The place's not cool." Sehun asked, trying to keep his voice stronger. He feels weak under their concerned gazes. He was never one to be the one wounded, but here he is. It feels weird. "Aren't they going to question us?"

      If it's not obvious enough, Sehun hates hospital.

      "Don't worry, I know the doctor. I'm a regular to him." Kris said as he turns off the engine, the others quickly following him out of the car. Tao and Luhan are the ones who volunteered to help their wounded friend stand and walk, the youngest feels light headed. "He knows about us and won't say a word, so don't worry. He's a cool guy." Sehun doesn't know if an old man can be cool, or at least his and Kris' standard of cool.

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