Just so you know...

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So this is my first official fanfic, so please no flames🔥🔥🔥

I'm rating it mature beforehand, just in case I feel crazy. Which is the norm sadly.....

AnYwAyS.... Onward!
Just as a warning beforehand, there may or may not be graphic descriptions in later chapters.
And...aand to the important part, what it's about.

I wanted to do a genderbent Percy. (don't worry about percabeth, I shall make it work!) Then, instead of Percy being switched, its Annabeth (it'll make sense) then the whole HoO business with the Mark of Athena and them meeting again (new Percy personality) and all that. Throughout the quest Percy is basically ignoring her feelings and Annabeth is pining.
I'm rambling aren't I?

So yeah, I'm trying

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