Ch.12 The Escape

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Hi everyone, sorry if these updates are kinda slow. I'm a total sloth, so bear with me. I shall try to be punctual-ish. :*

3rd person pov

Persephone had no idea what had come over her the day before, she felt like she'd finally lost it. In all honesty, she probably had.

It was like her brain was in a fog, sounds were warbled and her senses dull. Percy started thinking about random things that didn't make any sense, why do they call it grilled cheese if you don't even grill it? Weird things like that.

Her left eye wouldn't stop twitching. It was an involuntary tick, something beyond her control. Percy hadn't seen Hera in days. She probably had to make a move soon, instead of lying around and withering away.

Persephone had near memorized the rounds the guards made, a group of hulking human men. She had to try, even if she died, It wouldn't do her any good not to.

So she built her strength back at a steady pace. Standing up, walking the length of her cell, gaining the energy to move. It was a slow process, her lungs burned from the effort and there was a stitch in her side almost instantly.

But Percy kept on going. Even if it meant reopening fresh wounds as she did a single sit up. Her muscles would tremble from the strain on put on her body.

A set of pushups, a measly ten, made the girl collapse against the rough dirty ground beneath her. Pull ups from scraping bars above, falling back down from exhaustion in it's purest form.

The numbers gradually rose as the days passed. If Gaea noticed her increased muscle mass, she didn't let on. Persephone gained energy slowly, a new strength filling her bones.

She waited for her chance and bided her time.

Another long day of fun with Gaea had Percy aching all over. She was filthy, blood just about every where and caking in her scalp. Her ribs were bruised at best and it hurt to breathe.

The demigod just closed her now dark muddy green eyes and tilted her head back. Water dripped not too far in the distance. It was annoying, the water was- wait. Water.

Gods, she was an idiot. Water, which she could manipulate, was just within her desperate grasp.

Persephone reached out with her mind, feeling the liquid near. The drip stopped, a ball of water steadily formed outside. When it was about the size her fist it zipped towards her.

She sighed as she cleansed the sticky blood from her hair, shaking it out. More water came for her face and hands. There was a large puddle of water a few empty cells down.

She concentrated now, focusing a handful of water to the doors hinges, clenching her gut as the it froze and expanded. The hinges broke with a soft crack. Percy stood to admire her handiwork.

She left quickly though, sticking to the shadows. Water collected in her right palm as she turned left. The clouded liquid forming a dagger, freezing in her grip with a jagged edge.

Persephone stalked on, crouching slightly in the dim light that was there. Footsteps echoed from ahead, coming closer. With a hammering heart, she ducked around a corner.

The man stiffly walked with a rigid posture. Like a soldier. He turned the corner just as Percy pounced, driving the makeshift weapon into his chest with a wet squelch. He hit the ground hard and the  knife was buried even deeper into his heart. The guard made a gurgling sound as blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

He was dead.

Percy sat on top of him and her hands shook slightly. She just killed a man. A man who wouldn't have hesitated to do the same to her. Persephone killed him.

Quickly, she patted him down for anything that could help. He had a knife strapped to his hip, which she took, as well as a set of keys. She stuffed the jangling things into one of her tattered pockets.

The girl moved on passing several guards, most of whom she rendered unconscious. She didn't want to kill, it physically hurt her.

Percy doubled back as she passed a room with a thick metal door. She brought out the set of keys, cursing as they clinked loudly. She found a large key, heavy-duty and gleaming. The raven-haired girl pushed it in and it turned inside the lock wirh a click.

The door popped open, swinging in silently. It was a weapons room. The place had shelves of boots, knives, and plenty of other dangerous doodads. Armor hung from the walls, swords on racks. It had everything but her trusty sword, Riptide.

However, there was a set of hunting daggers. Twins made from Stygian Iron that seemed to glow a pulsing green. Persephone hadn't noticed she had stepped closer to them until het hand hovered over their leather hilts.

As soon as she took the knives, they seemed to dissapear. Laying in her hands was a pair of black rings with seirling green etching. Percy slid them over each middle finger, they fit her perfectly.

She snatched a fresh shirt, identical to the one the guards wore. It was a simple leather Grecian-style armor. A little big, but it would do. Persephone tugged on some pants and had to cut a strip of cloth from another to work as a belt. After lacing on a pair of boots a size too big, she left.

After taking many turns and knocking out more guards, she found a huge door. It loomed over head, seeming menacing to her. Percy tried many keys before finding the right one. The double doors were heavy as she shoved them open.

Warm air hit her face, sour and stale, it was almost toxic. She scrambled down a set of steps and into Tartarus.



Persephone turned in time to see Spine Wrecker charging straight for her. She leapt to the side as he went skidding past her. He wasted no moment to attack and swung a large club at her head.

Being the smart girl she was, Percy ducked. He lurched forward and she rolled under his tree trunk legs. The demigod tore of the matching rings and there were two Stygian Iron blades, each were half as long as one of het arms. Persephone grinned at the sight of their razor edges and slashed at him wildly, driving the big lastrygonian back.

Spine Wrecker dodged and blocked, raining heavy blows from above. He got a lucky strike, slamming the club into her ribs. Pain flared on her left side as she stumbled back. She nearly fell down and the lastrygonian was suddenly behind her.

He kicked out her knees and Percy fell into them. The grimy monster tangled a large hand into her hair, gripping it tightly. He tugged on the girl's scalp and Persephone cried out fom the sting.

She gripped one of the daggers in her right hand, trembling gently. In one jerky movement she brought the blade up, cutting her hair free from his grasp. The monster gaped for a second to see her spin, disemboweling his stomache. He exploded in a mess of golden dust.

Percy made her way away from the underground stronghold, fingering the ends of her hair.

Gods, I thought it would never end! I think this is the longest one yet. I hope you're all engaged and if have suggestions just let me know. I don't bite ;)

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