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cole <3
what the fuck alex?

yeah I'm gonna need some context here

cole <3
you showed jordan around the city?

yes. yes I did
is there a problem here because I really don't see one

cole <3
yes there's a fucking problem here
you showed another guy around the city

yes. that's all I did. we ate some food. toured CLE.
he's my f r i e n d
you're my boyfriend. the man I love but what you're not is someone who can tell me who I can and can not hang out with

cole <3
he probably likes you alex
any guy would

okay and? you're point?
again. i love you

cole <3
i love you too but you could've fucking told me you were showing him around

oh right because you tell me when you're hanging out with other girls alone or even with kat (my best friend) alone
there's probably more too but that's all *I* know of

cole <3

oh yeah I know about that
I know about Libby and Jenna
even kat. my best fucking friend

cole <3
how? how do you know?

i know about kat from kat hello. bff tells me shit
and the others dont matter. what matters is that I've never once called you out on it because I trust and love you. I let you have friends and god forbid you are cheating on me then cool tell me now so we can break up but
i can have my own GUY friends and you can
have your own GIRL friends. that's the point.

cole <3
fuck alex.
god damn. no i'm not cheating on you and I get your point and I trust and love you too but
I don't trust him.

okaaaaay and?
I don't trust libby or jenna (only kat obvi she's not a snake) but i've let you hang out with them for months.
I'm done talking about this. talk to me when you get your head out of your ass and realize I love you and not jordan.
go hang out with libby or something

cole <3
alex don't do this

bye. talk to me when your head is out of your ass.

drama oooooh shit
let me know what you think of this chapter and of cole!!
xoxo ericka
insta: jordnclarkson or karevsalex
twitter: slexiesdelena

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