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Nami blinked stupidly at the smiling man in front of them, who looked eager like a little kid. She didn't really know what to say, as the shorter male, fixed her with a charming smile. "Hello, pretty thing, I'm Jimin" he introduced himself and she smiled slightly at him. "Cut it out, Jimin" Jungkook muttered a little annoyed and stepped into the elevator beside him, seconds later. Nami hurried to the two males as well, descending in slightly tense silence. 

"Where exactly are we going?" she muttered when they exited the building altogether, crossing her arms over her chest against the chilly wind. "Well, we gotta get you all your necessities. Underwear, streetwear, elegant dresses for meetings and balls, stuff like that... We'll have fun choosing stuff and spending Jungkookie's money" Jimin elaborated and then winked in excitement. Jungkook just rolled his eyes. 

Nami was about to complain about the weather and how cold it was when a vehicle pulled up in front of them and both males headed for it. "Why aren't we taking one of your cars?" Nami asked as she sat down next to Jimin, looking at Jungkook in the front. The driver didn't say anything, as he pulled out of the parking lot. "We have a lot of bags to carry and I sure as hell won't carry them" he explained. 

This was a good enough answer for Nami and she leaned back, looking out the window as they drove to the part of the cities, where the nicer boutiques were located. "Oh! Let's go in there, I promised Tae I would look if they have that new phone case!" Jimin suddenly exclaimed as they drove past a Gucci shop. Nami's eyes widened in horror. "I can't afford any of this" she muttered, as they stood right in front of the entrance. 

Both males laughed at that, Jimin almost doubling over with glee. "You don't have to spend a single cent of your own money. That's why we took this boy here with us" he whispered right in her ear, but loud enough that Jungkook could hear him and huff in annoyance. "I should've taken Tae with us instead." Jimin seemed almost offended by his words, standing up straighter and nearly squaring up. 

"My sense of fashion is superior to his!" he growled and Jungkook smirked lightly. "Aww, did I hit a nerve, hyung?" Nami's eyes almost popped out of her head, when she heard the honorifics. Jimin was actually older than Jungkook?! He didn't act like that at all, she thought. "Can we just go in?" the boy grumbled and then he stepped into the shop, not caring if the other two actually followed them inside. 

Jungkook was the second to walk in, leaving Nami to either follow him or stand on the sidewalk like an idiot. She chose the first option and hesitantly pushed the glass doors open. A cool breeze that smelled expensive, if that was even a smell, caressed her body as soon as she stepped in. Rows and rows of beautiful clothing decorated the walls and tables inside, each piece looking more expensive than the last. 

Jungkook and Jimin were both casually walking around, sifting through racks and checking out fabrics. When one of them found something he particularly liked, he would shove it in her hands and order her to the dressing room, where she should try it on, present it in front of the males and they would decide then, if they should buy it or not. Never once did Nari dare look at the price tags on the clothes she put on. 

The same procedure stuck for all the other shops they visited. Nari lost track of how much they already bought ages ago, the driver just took every bag they exited the shops with from her escorts and stowed them away in the trunk, on his way to the next boutique or mall. "I'm tired" Nari whined as they once again sat in the car. "Two more shops, then we can go home" Jungkook announced, his phone by his ear. Nari didn't know who he was calling, but she didn't really care either. The person didn't seem to pick up, though, making Jungkook grunt lowly in annoyance before his phone disappeared into his tailored suit pockets again. 

"I mean, what else do I need? We have everyday wear, fancier stuff, dresses, shoes, even more accessories than I can ever possibly wear! Can't we go home?" she whined again, as they once again exited the vehicle. Her feet started aching as well. Jungkook sighed at her pitiful state. "Despite I'm really hungry" she murmured to top the cake and Jungkook caved. "One more shop. Jimin can buy the rest, right Jimin?" 

The older male lifted one perfect eyebrow. "You mean-?" Jungkook shoved him lightly. "The makeup. Her toiletries. That's what you're gonna buy. The underwear she will go buy with me" he ordered authoritatively and Jimin pouted. "Alright boss" he muttered sarcastically, but actually moved in a different direction than the other two were headed. Jungkook started moving as well, but Nari was glued to the spot in shock. 

"We're buying what?" she asked, bewildered. The male didn't even stop walking, as he answered her. "You heard me. Or do you wanna go commando every day and night?" Nari could clearly see now where he was headed, Victoria's secret. Sadly, she had no choice but to follow him into the shop, where a lady immediately walked up to them with a huge grin. "Can I help?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice and Nari turned up her nose at her. 

"No, thank you" Jungkook declined and the smile dropped from the workers face. "Look around and choose whatever you like" he encouraged her, just like in every shop and for once, Nari listened. She walked down the racks of bras and panties, blushing at the racier ones. She had chosen rather plain ones, looking more comfortable than beautiful, when Jungkook suddenly walked up to her, a sheer red nightgown, a baby blue babydoll dress, and lacy underwear in various colors in his hands. 

He handed them to her with a neutral expression. "I like these. I think you would look ravishing in them." Nari looked at the flimsy materials in her arms, embarrassed to even hold them, when a voice suddenly breathed right into her ear. 

"Go on, sweetness. Try them on for our dear Jungkookie" Jimin whispered huskily. 

It is currently very late, but I wrote this in less than half an hour because I felt inspired. I hope you like the chapter and also the direction this story is going so far ;) This is definitely not one of my more child-friendly stories, hehe. I'm sorry I took so long to update, but I feel inspired for this story at the moment and I hope I can press a few chapters out of my fingertips now. As always, please comment and vote if you liked this chapter, I love you all and see you soon!

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