Comfourt (Shklance) PT.1

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Hi! Ok so, this is my first one shot and I really hope you enjoy it! It's Shklance (in a way...just read on you will see) ummm and yeah! This was rly hard to make cuz I needed to make up a BuNcH of crap so I hope you enjoy! ~Reilly p.s, the song has nothing to do with this I just rly like it
"Ugh! Lance! This is the third time we have talked about this! Honestly, what's your problem?!" Keith shouted, he was starting to lose his temper.
"I know! I know!" Lance pleaded back, "I'm sorry! It just feels like you guys would be happier without me, I mean whenever I try to cuddle with you guys you complain about me taking to much room." The Cuban boy's arms curled around himself in comfort, praying to any god out there to go back in time and tell himself to not start this petty argument in the first place.

It was about 12:30 on the ship when everyone had finished training, the atmosphere was very dry, no one was awake enough to speak a single word. Ready for a good nights rest, the whole team retreated to their respective rooms.

Well, all except Lance.

He had ran to Keith and Shiro's shared to room to ask them about something...for the third time.

Keith and Shiro had been together a long while before Voltron, and eventually they welcomed Lance into their relationship. But it was losing its spark, well, that's how Lance saw it. Shiro and Keith began excluding the young Cuban from many things.

All week long he had been asking them if they just wanted to breakup with him, so now here we are, Lance, Keith and Shiro all shouting at one another for no reason whatsoever.

"You know what," Shiro looked down at the raven haired boy, he knew Keith was about to say some they were both going to regret, "MAYBE WE WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT YOU!"

Everything went silent, Keith's eyes widened realizing what he had actually said, "Lance, I-I didn't-" he was cut off by the brunette's laughter.

"Wha- Why are you laughing?" Shiro wasn't really one to fight much so he usually stood at he sidelines when arguments where going on and only stepped in when they got too heated.
But, no he was...confused, very, very confused.

"Because! This is what I've been saying!" He chuckled once more and closed him eyes tight to rid them of any tears that where forming.

"N-no...Lance!" Lance began running from them, "LANCE! Ugh! GET YOUR ASS BECK HERE!" The blue paladin's legs where extreme advantages, they gave him a large speed boost, making him faster then the rest of the team. So running away from his boyfriends- Wait....Ex-Boyfriends...he didn't know, all he knew is that he had two men trailing behind him at extremely high speeds.

He was going to run into Hunk's room but he knew he was very tired and in order to be Hunk you need sleep.

Lance decided on going to blue to comfort him, she was a magic robot lion after all, she should know how to make people happy...right...?

He turned a corner and looked back to see no one was close enough to see him turn into the lions' hanger.

"Hey girl!" Lance tried to sound chipper but his voice cracked at the end, showing obviously he was about to cry.

My paladin! What is wrong?

"Eh, y-you know how I've kinda been stressing about Kei-"

Did they hurt you? Oh- OH MY GOD THEY HURT YOU!?!??!! RED! BLACK! I SWEAR IF YIU DON-

Lance One Shots! [Klance, Shance, Shklance, Allurance, Lancelot]Where stories live. Discover now