Forever (Shance)

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——————————————————————————The song kindaaa relates to the story but oh well its a bop ~Reilly
——————————————————————————Shiro POV:

My younger brother, Keith, forced me to go to some house party one of his friends was throwing. I didn't really want to go but he picked me up from another party I got drunk at last week, so I kinda owed him.

"Hey~ you look a bit too," the girl, who was much more drunk than me, looked down to a...certain...part of my pants. "Mature. To be here."

I groaned, that wasn't even a good try.

"Erm, yeah. First of all, my eyes are up here.
Second, Im a senior, I'm also not interested." I thought about saying 'I'm gay' but that would be kinda rude.

See, No one really catches my attention much, and when someone does, in the morning I realize I was just in the mood for a one night stand with a someone what pretty person.

But this time it was as different.

When I saw Lance I felt butterflies, most other times, I would see someone and feel a quick rush of lust dash through me, showing that I was just in the mood for a one-night type of thing. But he looked flawless. Lance was wearing a dark blue cocktail dress that had a long slit in the right side that went a bit high but low enough that you couldn't see anything with blue stilettos with silver sequins all over the heel. He was decked out with a full face of makeup, sporting a dark blue color on his lips, much like the sparkling blue hue of his eyes, which had the lids covered in a glittery sliver shadow. It wasn't just his appearance though, his smile lit up the room more and more each time it was shown, the way his hips swayed as he walked, and his voice was so silky and comforting.

Lance POV:

I see everyone looking at me, my ass, my outfit. Most of them are boys, some are girls jealous of my dress and the amount of guys looking at me. Sure, a cocktail dress is a bit much for a house party, but when am I not that petty. I'm really not that oblivious, either, I know I'm hot, I know I'm a bitch. I just find it funny to play dumb until people 'confess' to me, then I crush them. Sure that's a twisted hobby, they shouldn't have made it so easy for me.

Now, I'm not a virgin, obvi. But I've never been in a real relationship, one where the love is more than one way. (I'm the only one who would say that, I'm a good actor) I've never met anyone who I really had a thing for.

But then Shiro came along.

I didn't know much about him except for the fact that he's a 'heart breaker'.  At first, my mission was to break him, but...then I felt myself.



Shiro is literally the WORST person to be my 'first crush'. Sure he is really really pretty in that gray-ish black suit he has, almost like he wore it to go with me perfectly. But he is almost as famous as me for breaking hearts. Like, what is if I try to 'pursue' him and he just laughs me off? Like, them I'm broken and so is my rep! This is not okay, I need to stop-

"Hi, I'm Shiro."

Third Person POV:

Shiro extended his hand out to Lance who grabbed it and twirled the older man in a swift little turn.

Once Shiro regained his balance he intertwined their fingers together.

"Hi! I'm Lance."

"Yeah, I've heard." Shiro laughed, the Cuban's rep was remarkable....well, he is a heart breaker type of person but the people he deserted still think so highly of him.

The younger boy's face grew into a small pout, "why do you say that?"

Shiro looked down and was about to die, how can one person look so sexy yet cute at the same time??!!? "Well, people have told me how pretty you are."

Lance smiled.

"They lied." Shiro said briefly, Lance's smile dropped.

"Wow, that's rude. I gonna go and-" before the younger could finish he felt hands on his shoulders which turned him around to look at Shiro again.

"They never said you where amazingly beautiful. They called you 'pretty', that's an understatement."

Lance giggled, "not so bad yourself!" Pushing his pointer finger into the older man's chest

"Mh..." Shiro hummed in response, thinking.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{time skip cuz I'm lazy, hour and like 45 mins later.......yeah}
(Still third person)

Lance gasped when he felt cold fingertips caress the back of his neck.

"Kashi? What are you doing?!" Lance began to panic slightly.

"Mh, kissing you." And with that that Shiro closed the space in between the two.

Slowly it became more heated and an idea popped into the Cuban's head.
"Why don't we head up to my room?" Lance whispered seductively into the older mans ear, Lance's hot breath traveling down the back of Shiro's neck.

Oh shit, I'm blushing....shitshitshit (p.s that's Shiro lol)

Once he finally regained his composure, Shiro responded that she mh, great idea, kitten."


"Lance?" The Cuban finally snapped back into reality.

"Oh, yeah sorry." Lance grabbed Shiro's hand and weaved through the crowd of sweaty and drunk people.

Shiro POV:

Lance had went into the bathroom about, 15 minuets ago saying "Let me slip into something a little more comfortable." I nodded, knowing what he meant.
Lance's words made me excited of course, I mean, yay sex! But I couldn't help feel a bit disappointed...I wanted to get to know Lance, maybe actually date him and spend the rest of my life with him then we would adopt two kids named-
"Hey Takahashi!" Lance stepped out of the bathroom,
"I'm ready!"
Lance was wearing a pair of black fuzzy pajama shorts, with the strings to tighten the waistband hanging lower than the actual fabric of the clothing. His shirt was a grey short-sleeved with black cursive text that said I put the Bitch in female doggo.
"Mh, you look cute." I said as he began to walking towards the corner of the bed I was sitting on.
To be honest, I was very confused. When Lance said he was getting changed I thought he was going to come out in something skimpy and well you know...🍆👌(Sorry I'm very mature)...but, that's definitely not the case...
(Lance POV)
Ok, I'm going to tell Shiro that I'm slipping into something more comfortable then I'll come out in pjs and watch a movie with him and show zero interest in anything inappropriate. If he tries anything than BOY BYE. Ok yeah...yeah ok.
I walk out of the bathroom and Shiro looks confused but happy...?
"Mh, you look cute." I smile and walk over to cuddle him.
(Third person POV;)
The two boys spent the rest of the night I one another's embrace. Simply watching dumb movies and talking to each other. This was the beginning of something forever.

1.Hey guys! So first of all, sorry for the slow updates, school (for me) is ending soon so they are x3 up on work so yeah but like....two weeks and I'll have a normal update schedule!!
2.I need some ideas!! Plz comment some ideassssss~Reilly!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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