"I really like you"

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Sheneil POV


After the weird moment happened between Jason and I yesterday we went and eat lunch tougher. However I kept thinking about things I know Jason likes me but he just won't admit it but I'm gonna make him somehow.

Me: hey jay I need to talk to you

Jay: what's up beautiful?

Me: I'm sad so I want you to my house

Jay: and you think I can help you

Me: yes because I love you and you love me too

Jay: how can you tell that I love you?

Me: because I know you

Jay: ok be over in an hour

Me: ok

Jason came over to my house about forty minutes later I watch the time. I pull him up to my room, he was shock.

"Why are you acting so strange?" He ask me

"No reason" I answered

"I need to ask you something" Jason said

"What is it?" I ask

"Who was that boy that you were hugging yesterday?" He ask


"What is he to you?"

"He's my-my ex-boyfriend"I said not looking at him

"Fuck" I turn my head to him

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, about Dolan" he was quiet "are you mad?"

"I have  no reason to be" he admit



"Why do you always keep things to yourself?" I ask

"What do you mean?" He ask

"Nothing. Why did you come here?"

"I came here to see you"


"Because I really like you Sheneil"

"I really like you Jay"

I kiss Jason and we were making out until I heard someone clear their throat. I look to see my mom and dad.

"Mom" I said in shock

"What the hell is going on here?" She ask

"Get out!" Dad ordered

"Dad that's rude" I argued

"Look Mr and Ms. Gooden I -" Jason started but got interrupt by dad

"No you look son this is my seventeen year old daughter and I will do anything to protect her"
Dad said


"Jason don't"

"Jason, as in Jason Stones?" My mom ask

Jason and I look at each other " yes" Jason answered

"Why is Jason in our home darling?" Mom ask

"Because we are ah we are tougher" I answered . Jason and I look at each other.

"And why are we just knowing about this?" Dad ask

"I didn't get the chance because my parents are too Busy for me"I argued

"I want you to stop seeing him" my dad complained

"Sorry but that's gonna be a problem, you see Jason kind of go to my school now and even if he didn't go to my school I wouldn't listen to you. Now could you please leave me alone" I command

Dad and mom leave in disgust.

"Why did you just argue with your parents?" Jason ask

"Because my parents are almost never here, so they can't decide my life for me" I told him

"Okay if you say so. I have go but I'll see you st school tomorrow"

Jason gave me a deep kiss before he went away

         Goodbye Jason

Even thou I know it was just  temporary  I already missed him.

I was now video chatting with my friends.

"Hey guys" I greets
"Hey girl what's up?" Romesha ask

"My parents doesn't want me to are Jason again" I told my friends
"Why?" Camille ask

"They caught me making out with him" I explained

"Fuck" Christina said
"Someone's getting naughty" Camille said causing us all to laugh

"I'm not" I joked
"Yes you are" Leanna said

"Ok if you say so I'll talk to you guys later" I announced

"Byeee" they said in union

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