How they write their names

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This is normal and cursive!!



His handwriting is surprisingly legible despite what others students might think, they're usually surprised if they catch a glimpse of it.



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Messy but still legible, he hates writing though, he's better at cursive than he thought he'd be but sometimes he'll practice cursive and burn the paper so the guys don't find it of they're ever over

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Messy but still legible, he hates writing though, he's better at cursive than he thought he'd be but sometimes he'll practice cursive and burn the paper so the guys don't find it of they're ever over.

He prefers cursive over normal writing, he says it looks more official and clean

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He prefers cursive over normal writing, he says it looks more official and clean. His english teacher loves it especially, and Patrick can't read cursive that well so Vic tries to teach him but Pat doesn't pay attention.


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He's the opposite of Victor, he loves normally writing, plus its quicker and less worry about perfection unless he has to sign something

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He's the opposite of Victor, he loves normally writing, plus its quicker and less worry about perfection unless he has to sign something.

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