15- The Second Task Part 1

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It had been two days since Cedric's interview with Rita Skeeter, and he had almost forgotten how angry he was. That was, of course, until he saw the article on the front page of The Dailey Prophet when he walked into the Great Hall for breakfast.

Cedric Diggory the Covetous Saboteur?
By Rita Skeeter

Months have passed since the first task of the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry, with Harry Potter in the lead, with a very jealous Cedric Diggory right behind him.

Diggory expressed his hatred towards Potter and the other champions during an exclusive interview with Rita Skeeter, stating that Hermione Granger is not dating any other champion and is his girlfriend, though she has clearly been linked with Viktor Krum and Harry Potter very recently. Diggory's voice lingered with large traces of jealousy and anger as we spoke.

With Harry Potter stealing both Hermione Granger from his arms as well as first place in the first task of the tournament, it is no surprise that Diggory is jealous. Many students are fearful that he might take action to sabotage the tournament to get a higher score in the next task. "I think that Diggory is a lying cheater and he will do whatever it takes to win this tournament. I, however, want a fair fight, since I clearly am not in need of the gold." Stated the handsome quidditch star Viktor Krum, also a competitor in the Triwizard Tournament this year.

Wait and see to find out, will Cedric Diggory be a saboteur in the next task, or will he fight to avenge his dignity?

Cedric could not believe what he was reading. "Fight to avenge my dignity? Are you bloody kidding me? At this point I have no dignity left to avenge, this mad woman just destroyed the rest of it. She put the only thing I told her in an article to destroy me because I wouldn't talk to her? This woman is mad! What does covetous even mean?" He crumpled the paper in one hand and stood up, throwing the paper. It landed in the bowl of porridge that Susan Bones had reached for, knocking it all over the Hufflepuff table. Susan looked at him angrily and got Ernie Macmillan to pass her another bowl from different section on the table.

"Covetous is when a person wants something that someone else has," Hermione said under her breath.

Cedric anger slowly melted away and he sat down next to Hermione, who had just arrived after watching Cedric's fit. "I don't know what's going to happen this summer when you're not at my side to explain anything," he sighed.

"We'll still write. Besides, the school year's only half finished, we still have months together before we go home," replied Hermione. "Have you told Harry about the egg yet?"

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