Chapter one: New StudANTs

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Mr. Grundy entered the building where Chyna, Olive, Fletcher and Angus were sitting.

Grundy: Students! I have wonderful news. We have two new prodigies joining us from North Dakota.

Chyna- ooh, cool! Who are they?

Grundy- Rose and Samuel Dibiskis. A fencing and history/english prodigy!

Chyna- Awesome!

(Enter Samuel & Rose)

Samuel- Hi, I'm Samuel but you can call me Sam. This is my sister Rose, but you can call her-

Rose- Watch it little brother.

Samuel- By 5 minutes, oh my gosh! (Throws hands in air in frustration)

Chyna- Hi, I'm Chyna a music prodigy. This is Olive, my best friend, she has an editic memory and this is Fletcher, my other best friend, he's an art prodigy

Fletcher- Also boyfriend

(Olive elbows Fletcher's stomach)

Chyna- he's lying. And that is Angus. He's just... well he's just there. But he's a computer prodigy.

Angus- Hey!

(Cut to intro)

Rose- Nice to meet you all.

Angus- woah, babe alert (staring at Rose)

Rose- uhm, is he okay?

Angus- Sorry Olive, but Papa's found himself a new woman.

Olive- why are you apologizing? We're barely friend's plus I've said over a hundred times, I will never see you in a romantic way.

Rose- I'm sorry, but,what does he mean by new woman? I'm only fourteen y'know.

Olive- Boy are you lucky we're here (places hand on her shoulder)

Angus- well, Fletcher, Chyna, Boy Dibiskis, my ex woman, my new woman, papa is off to find some steak. Later (exits roomavator)

Rose- (shudders) does he always call himself Papa?

Olive- (opens mouth to speak then closes it and shudders) (nods)

Sam- Hey Chyna, mind if my sister & I hear you sing?

Chyna- me? Sing? Sure! (Starts singing 'Roar', by Katy Perry.

Sam- wow! Your voice is beautiful.

Rose- no kidding! You're like one of the youngest soon to be famous singers in our generation. Did you know-

Sam- shut up Zippy

Rose- mehh.

Olive- intresting factioid about you, Rose...I like you.

Rose- thanks, I like you too!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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