1) Hate

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The Year I Lost My Mind

I hate math. I just hate it, every aspect of it. If I was a binary operation and I had an identity element, it would be that I hate math. Here, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Ada, the girl who hates math.

As if high school wasn't problematic enough, math has to be a thing. I hate how there is always a new problem to solve. I hate how there is only one right answer. I hate struggling to go backwards from the answer at the back of the textbook. I hate the half marks and the red ink and the numbers.

Oh kill me now, the numbers. Why must we label everything with numbers? They don't do anything justice. Grades, weight, scores, dates, you. 

I hate you Ben. 

I mean, I hate us. We're nothing, at least that's what anyone else would say. Our relationship is imaginary, it doesn't exist. We are an unreal number.

But you know that just because a number doesn't exist doesn't mean it can't be put into the equation. It doesn't mean it can't be thought over and obsessed over and studied.

You'd know, better than anyone else in this stupid school that just because a number doesn't exist, doesn't mean mathematicians don't care.

It doesn't mean you don't care.

And it doesn't mean I don't care about you. 

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