Chapter 3 starting a new school

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"Anna come on get up, wake up sweetie first day of school today you don't want to be late do you" mum said as pulled the blind up to let the sun in.

"Mum let me sleep for 5 more minutes please mum" I said

"No its 6:30 and your going to be late"my mum said softy

"WHAT 6:30 ALREADY I NEED TO DO LOTS OF STUFF OH NO IM GOING TO BE LATE" I said as I ran into the bathroom

I brush my teeth making sure there white, I shave my leg so there not hairy, I take a bath so I'm fresh, I put on my school uniform, I put some make up so I'm not like the ugly duckling like before, I grab my bag run down stairs to have breakfast

"Good morning Anna" dad said

"Good morning dad" I said with a big smile on my face

"Ready for school today" dad said as he ate an apple

"Yep I'm finished lets go"I said as finishing off my toast and went out side.

Dad was starting up the car and I wait out side.

"Anna! Anna! Anna! Wait" Cade yelled

"Oh hi Cade whats up!"I said

"Umm do you wanna catch bus with me don't worry if you don't have a bus pass the driver is nice he will let you on so are you catching bus with me!" He said as he lift his eye brows

"Umm Dad! Dad! Dad! Can I catch bus with Cade"I yelled

"Yea sure as long you don't be naughty" dad replied

"Ok so lets go before we miss the bus"said Cade

Then we ran to the bus stop and timing was good when we got to the bus stop the bus came.

We talked the whole ride to school when the bus driver stopes the bus and the bus driver got up


"Maybe not so nice" said Cade

We talked and talked then the school finally came we got off the bus and went to the school office to find out where and what class I had go to but the good thing was that I was in Cades class.

The school bell rang for homeroom and our teacher is Miss Arpana Agnihotri to Mrs Arpana Horan who is married to Niall Horan which doesn't make a cute couple (just saying) but would make a cute couple with Miss Jay

"Anna this is our homeroom teacher Mrs Horan and she is also English, religion, history teacher she is very nice but crazy like Mr Horan but I call her Mrs BFL (bum face loser) might not make sense but still I go for it, if Mrs ask why I name her that is cuase it equals beautiful, friendly and loving which she might be but I don't think so" Cade said as he took me in the class room

"Ok class settle down we have a new student joining our school and she is in our class her is Anna, Anna please come to the front of the room" Mrs BFL said

I walked up to the front of the class and everyone was silent

"Anna? Would you like to introduce yourself to the class" said Mrs BFL

I nodded as yes

"Ok, well, my name is Anna Rose Angel Bailey, I moved in my new house on Friday and I live next door to Cade Willson and somehow our mums are best friend since primary and my old school is Norwest primary then I moved again to st. johns primary then to St. Paul then vine public school then st. angel and them here at St. John Paul the second, I have one brother and no sisters and the rest I'll tell you when I get to know you, thank you"I said then I sat down back in my seat

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