Chapter 17 Meetig up with sam

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After about an hour or a few minutes of kissing, he finally ended the kiss and went into the bathroom and once he came out, his hair was dripping wet and he had blue jeans and no shirt on. I looked over his abs and followed the V line down until it disappeared into his jeans. "we'll I don't know about u princess but I'm starving"he said smiling at me and putting on a tight white t- shirt that showed off his muscle then handed me my clothes from yesterday (he had washed them that night).I ran into the bathroom but not before saying "well ya!" I then came out and he immediately untwined his fingers in mine then he gave me a peck on the forehead and lead me downstairs into the kitchen. "Oh my gosh sam?!" I yelled as I saw her sitting down by kodan at the breakfast table. "Tracy!" and with that we were running towards each other then hugged. she pulled away and looked me in the eyes with her hands still on my shoulders, giving me the dead serious look. "Hun are you ok?" I asked and she sighed but then gave me a weak smile. "I've decided to stay here with kodan, I fell in love with him and now were mates she said pointing to her mates bite in the curve of her neck. all I did was smile at her then I pulled back my shirt a little to reveal my mates bite mark. we both started jumping up and down squealing and yelling causing the boys to cover there ears. "oww we have sensitive earring you know" Nikias wiinned. we both chuckled then sat down at the table next to each other along with Nikias and kodan sitting on out other side.

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