Finding answers

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Herra slowly and quietly left the dining hall as she searched for something that could tell her what happened here as she wonders around she hears noise coming from the kitchen as she walks over and opens the door a mare with curly hair looks up she is a complete mess from what ever she was making herra walks over to her and offers her a hand to stand up " ugh thank you so much I'm candy apple I make the special candy we have here at the mansion" as the mare stars at herra wondering why is she so quiet when her friend is so chatty she seems kind but it seems she knows more then what she will ever tell as the mare continues to stare at herra " hey can you tell me do you refuse to speak to anyone?"herra looks over at a piece of paper with a list of ingredients on it herra flips the paper over and starts to write something on the back once finished she hands it to candy apple it reads " I can't tell you that" candy paused and looked at herra who had a sad look on her face candy apple soon realized what she meant " aw hunny I" before candy apple could finish herra smiles at her and walks out of the kitchen she continued to wonder around and soon she finds the library that shauna talked about she opens the library door heads of famous pony writers followed her as she walked by them they where mumbling to them selves she continued to move and saw a mare sitting on the floor she wasn't a ghost she was alive to herra bent down to the crying mare and touched her shoulder the mare flinched showing she is scared " o-o it's you you don't remember I'm sure but that doesn't mean I can't say hello myself I'm Aurelia charm we knew each other once many years ago" herra looked at her confused she had no clue who this mare was suddenly Athena comes busting through the door still a little tipsy from the punch she drank " herrrraaa why did you leaveeee" the mares words where drawn out herra looks down while being hugged by her friend and meets eyes with Aurelia charm who looks at her with a serious face " tell her"

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