The Journey

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It was around my 11th birthday when Grover came, though I wasn't exactly sure its kind of hard to keep track of the days when you don't have a home. The day started off I was sleeping in a public bathroom in the subway which is no picnic let me tell you. I woke up to the janitor hitting me in the face with a mop I got up and she yelled something at me in Spanish, I had no idea what she had said but I figured it wasn't very endearing. I walked out of the bathroom with my backpack which contained mainly blankets, water, granola bars, and a photo of me and my mom. The clock on the wall said it was 2:06am I walked to my locker, grabed my gutair and headed out of the subway. It was still dark outside, the rain poored down on the dimly lit street. I saw a glimpse of something hiding in the shadows fear washed over me and my heart started to race. I gripped my guitar case hard. Whatever it was it had glowing red eyes and did not look friendly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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