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"You're gay!?"

He didn't think he'd ever find someone like him he knew there was more but it was rare.

"Uh yes" jin laughed lightly and nodded "my boyfriends name is namjoon we sealed everything a few weeks ago it was so romantic" the tall boy smiled with a love sick expression

Jungkook wondered how his first kiss would be like once he met the one his eyes twinkled just like the much taller boy

Jin cooed and ruffled his hair "you're cute " he giggled "oh class starts in ten mins bye Jungkook hope your first day goes good" he waved and ran off

Jungkook waved and smiled sighing a bit opening his locker he put his stuff away 'I really hope I find my soul mate' he hummed to himself beginning to fantasize how it will be when they meet

Jungkook sighed dreamingly "ah it'll be per-"

"Watch out!" A loud voice rang out jungkook looked up making eye contact with a boy just before he was crashed into

Jungkooks binder dropped the papers spilling out next to him while he laid on the floor his eyes closed tightly as he braced himself

"Ah hey I'm sorry.. are you okay?" A soft voice asked

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to realize a boy hovering over him smiling apologetically

"A-ah yeah" jungkook looked him up and down then gave a awkward laugh a soft red dusting over his cheeks "uh could you-"

"Oh! yeah yeah I'm sorry" he laughed a bit quickly getting off of the younger standing up quickly he dusted himself off

Jungkook sat up and looked over at his papers that had spilt out of his wide open dark blue binder he sighed and began cleaning them up

"Oh!" The boy quickly bent down and began helping the two standing up once the mess was cleaned he handed the papers he cleaned up to Jungkook who stuffed them in his binder planning on reorganizing it once he got to class

Speaking of class it started in five mins Jungkook quickly thanked the boy and ran off "thank you gotta go can't be late!" He waved and quickly ran off

The boy checked the time cursing under his breath quickly running off too

~time skip~

Jungkook finally made it and sat in an empty seat sighing glad he made he looked at his messy binder and began organizing his binder

"Science here...no math then science since after this I have math...wait no so then it would have to be writing science- no math then science yeah" he mumbled to himself as he organized his stuff back up

"Jungkook!" A familiar voice rang out thru out the room as a tall boy approached him with someone with him

Jungkook looked up at smiled to see jin waving "oh hey jin" his eyes flickered to the guy walking next to him 'that must be his boyfriend' he thought to himself

"We have the same first period that's good" jin said sitting down on top of a desk that his boyfriend sat down on

"Yeah lucky us" he smiled setting his binder to the side turning to face the two

"Oh! This is my boyfriend~ namjoon~ isn't he pretty" jin played with his hair pulling his face close to his chest

Jungkook giggled and nodded tilting his head a bit as he watched the cute couple namjoon seeming to just let jin do what ever he want which made Jungkook chuckled under his breath "cute" he mumbled

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