4.Disastrous lunch

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        Where the hell are they? Cat said might wanna check in Lewis's room...Alex retorted wait a  minute, Lewis lives here? Yeah!!duh he's my cousin and he decided to come over here for sometime. How come I never knew? Cat asked , how dumb are you ? I remember telling you about my cousin that goes to your school, Oh! Its him right.....Im not even going to answer that question Alex retorted...

Um guys, what are you doing? Alex asked...they are eating biscuits Cat retorted sarcastically.. What does it look like they're doing, and you call me the dumb one..oh shut up Cat ....Hello. Lewis decided to chirp in, I'm trying to get Frankie to sleep and you guys are seriously not helping ....oh sorry Cat and Alex replied in sync

     'You should try singing him to sleep that usually works better ' Cat says, I would know , I do it every night. O_Kay, Lewis says before singing
      "Sun goes down and we are here together,
fireflies are like a thousand miles ,
Stay with me and we can live  forever right here in my arms tonight...
Sounds of day fade away, stars begin to climb ,
Melodies, fill the breeze ,sweeter all the time.....sweeter all the time..

Immediately he was through , they could literally hear Frankie's really really light snore ..That was like the fastest he has ever slept like in a very long time..thank you so much Lewis..by the way nice voice Cat said all in one breath..

Thanks, Lewis replied now let's go before he decides to wake up.. Alex says breaking the silence, yeah we should probably go nice idea ___
                  Alex p.o.v
   So what do you guys wanna do..I kinda feel hungry ..okay let's  go cook something.
5 minutes later..
   Let's never cook again..seriously never..I have eggs on my head, Lewis is covered in flour and the kitchen is a whole new story altogether.. What's next Frankie wakes up?? Guys..I think Frankie is awake Lewis says
   Uh!!!what else can go wrong.. Cat replies before we all hear the my Mom come in through the drive way ..
We should have just ordered pizza like normal people.. But no..became Alex wants pancakes well here's your pancake.. Lewis says with all sarcasm.. Don't pin this on me I reply..your the one who said to cook when you know fully well that it would end up in......... this
       Guys!! Guys let's just try to apologise to Alex's mum and clean up and then I can go Cat says.. Agreed??? OK I and Lewis reply in sync.
   Immediately Cat finished her mini speech, my mum  comes in the door..
    Oh hi there Cat, she says..
"This is bad, she's playing. The other way around"
     Lemme Introduce you to my mum a little bit.... She is sweet and all but once she's angry, she acts all calm before the storm..
   ..Hi Mrs. Saffron Cat says..
"I can literary smell her nervousness"....

Hey guys..hope you like this chapter left a cliff hanger there right please vote and comment I will really appreciate it. The next chapter may be uploaded tomorrow still trying to be consistent for you guys...
Stay lovely,

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