Chapter 7 | Butterfly

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Readers POV
Minhyuk:"My name is Lee Minhyuk as you know by now. Throughout this hole time, you were different then all the others before you, but why-was i asking myself. I was asking myself what to do with you. Remember the time we first met? This is usually what happens to all the poor souls who weren't even given the opportunity to change or concentrate on a normal life, as all the others. But you were still different, you're face was the 2nd face i ever remember. There was this guy before me, his name was Shownu, he was the one to tutor and introduce me into this job. And technically this right now should be me doing the same for you. But you are different. Specific enough to not be a person like the taxi driver, to die on this street , caused by an accident nobody would ever think of again. Speaking of which, do you want to know why the driver was so nervous? His daughter had died just as your parents did. By accident. On this rode. He was affected by serious depression and tomorrow he had killed himself in his apartment. But through me, his soul will for ever live on in a book. A book which is supposed to be written by you and I."

"Me and you? Did i hear that wrong?" Of course you believed the men in the hospital but, him saying this out loud, it sounded so beautiful and perfect. You'd love to write that book with him and would never think of leaving. He's just trying to let people live forever in those books. "So that's why the bookshelf is so big!"

Finally you had realized something different although it had taken you quite some time.

All the old books, lined up in hundreds- even thousands, that was how many people had died. In all the years, who had been killed by the different soul keepers. 

Y/n:"It's sad, you know?" All the emotions seemed to come back every time you looked at him or thought about his past. Your wandering body was given back what was needed to live again, just because of him.

"Why's that so?" Since you already knew he figured out what you were actually doing here by reading your mind, it was no shock as he said the following words.

"I needed you to let go anyways. I couldn't let you do this job. I figured out, that you still got to many emotions left to do this. You were still given a chance and i can see that even if you maybe can't. And i wanted you to know that no matter what the guys for Team Alpha had told you, i wanted you to make your own decision on this. I wanted you to see the beauty which is lying in the shadows of all the buried bodies."

Minhyuk POV
"The truth is, I can't let you because you remind me of someone." He couldn't tell you, it wouldn't have made it easier for you.

Readers POV
Maybe you were just naive enough yo believe him, maybe you actually wanted to believe him. What you were sure about tho, was that Minhyuk-a Soulkeeper, who had originally chosen you to become the next, who had killed so many on this lonely road. Had locked up so many souls and concealed them for an eternity. He was the man to free you and let you go. He was the one to take care and let you go. He was the one to break rules which weren't supposed to be broken, to let you go.

Your heart beat fast as you felt the tears forming upon your lower lash line. You felt so happy being here, near him, near the one who gave you back your life. But unfortunately you had to go. 

"The first person who won't leave me" Deep in your heart you knew you could never forget him.

"I can't leave." Your chin fell down onto your chest as you formed your fragile hands to fists which looked so full of sadness.

"I totally forgot how this feels, how it feels to be sad, how hard it is to let go!"

His face only said one word, 

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