number 1

138 9 14

The van holted to a stop as the members bump into each other. The door slid open revealing the rocky mountain and the dull view.

"What is this bullshit?" The confused girl asked.

"Girl ion know but if I die imma crawl back from hell and get you" Royalty exclaims.

"I swear to the lord if you both dont shut up imma swing" Rayna cuts in.

Everyone turns their heads to a new figure walking out from a distance.

"LEGGO BITCHES WERE HERE!" Cyndel screams.

"Nuh uh we dying" the shark toothed boy said walking toward the cirlcle of logs.

"What kinda excorcism shit is this?" The boy the size of a tree asked.

"Its called a circle learn your shapes" Nicky clapped back.

The sarcasm flooded the air.

"You know what your cancelled" the four eyed kid jumped in.

"Oh no im scared" she rolled her eyes.

"Welcome!" A darranged figure creeped.

The guests jumped glaring at the figure from before.


"Watching kong fu panda doesn't count" Amaris corrected.

"What do you mean? If I can eat as much as the panda I can fight as much as the panda" Masiel said in a knowing tone

"Im-" Zach started.

"ANYWAYS..welcome to my spot! Its super secluded so that's why your here" Jack said with the creepiest laugh.

"Share those drugs you're on cause you're on some crazy shit" Jonah laughs awkwardly.

"Im really sorry guys, I had to do this" Jack apologized.

"What you made a circle? Am i possessed? AM I GONNA DIE? CAUSE FINALLY!" Janae retorted

"I actually hate you" Brandon shook his head

"Then why did you date me stupid bitch" She clapped back

"Have fun" Jack said leaving

"What the fuck? Your just gonna leave.... FUCK YOU TOO YOU ROTTEN PEAR" Amaris yelled

"Are you okay?"Alexis asked

"Never have been never will be!" The dazed girl said

"Truth or die?" a mysterious voice asked

"What?" Masiel asked

"Truth or dare?"it asked

"Um no thanks im not tryna get exposed here" Nick laughed nervously

"TRUTH OR DARE?"It screamed getting angrier

"Calm down buddy" corbyn pleaded

"choose NOW" it demanded

"TRUTH BITCH" Alexys screamed  back

"Which of your girlfriends friends would you make out with and you must do it after"

"What the fuck no" she said causiously

"wanna die?"

"Nick" she whispered

"WHAT?!" Amaris questioned furious

"IM SORRY JESUS" the poor girl barely got out

"DO IT NOW" the voice piped up

"Im so sorry" she whispered to amaris and nick

She quickly ran to nick and did the deed

"good you may live"

A/n comment truth or dare questions! siredaverys come read it hoe

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