part IX

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To be honest it's all a bit much for Lane, what's happening because of her. What she and Harry had done wasn't right and now Olivia is being punished for it. These thoughts consume Lane, her eyebrows furrowing as her brain spirals into the abyss of self-loathing.

August looks at her amusedly instead of watching the episode of How to Get Away with Murder that's playing on the TV.

" You alright there kid," August asks.

" Do you think I'm a bad person? Be honest," Lane demands seriously. August rolls his eyes adjusting his body to face her properly. Lane looks at him, eyes big and doe-like, tears misting in them from the immense panic swallowing her.

August squeezes her shoulder reassuringly while shaking his head."Course I don't. Granted I don't really know you," he states causing Lane's lip to tremble.

" But if you're asking this because of Liv it's not your fault, we all knew they weren't going to last," August admits.

Lane nods August confirmation of her character doing little to ease her. Lane doesn't know why she feels so horribly. Actually, that's a lie, she knows why. She feels like shit, because she slept with someone else's boyfriend, and she doesn't regret it at all.

Lane thinks of herself as a generally good person. She's a great student, never tardy to class, and during office hours she makes the conscious effort not to seem too needy. Lane's a good friend and she tries to go to church when she can, she's a mostly good human being. So how can she not regret a single kiss her and Harry shared?

August phone pings cutting off Viola Davis. The lanky boy glances at his screen maintaining a stoic unreadable expression.

" Don't freak out," he begins, his words having the opposite effect on Lane, "but you're going to have to spend the night here."

"What why," Lane frowns a clear edge in her voice. August sighs rubbing the back of his neck like he's revving himself up for what he has to tell Lane. The short pause allowing Lane's mind to run rapid with terrible scenarios.

" Olivia is pissed off and trying to find you," August explains.

" Oh god."

" I told you not to freak out," August chastises, forcing Lane to glare at him.

" I am being hunted for being a whore, I get to freak out," Lane shouts.

August rolls his eyes at her, ignoring how much Lane's hazel orbs increased in their mistiness. Lane tries to slow her rapid breathing as she processes the situation. She is stuck in a fraternity house for the rest of the night with some boy she'd met a few days ago hiding from the boy she'd slept with's girlfriend.

It sounded like the plot of a low budget film.

Lane can't believe this is happening to her, can't believe Olivia's searching for her. Olivia is searching for the girl who slept with her nearly perfect boyfriend. The girl who took Harry away from her and Lane was that girl. Lane is the other women, the cowardice other women trying to avoid an ass-kicking by remaining cooped up in a fraternity house.

A harsh knock on the front door alerts both Lane and August. They lock eyes with each other as the knocking continues. August looks out his window and his face pales. He pops off the couch muttering to Lane to stay where she is. And it's not like she has much of a choice, Lane can't seem to move as August rush past her and down the stairs.

The sound of the front door opening triggers Lane, her body moving cautiously away from the bedroom door.

"I know she's here!" Olivia shouts from the hallway, her voice growing near at an alarming rate.

"You're batshit Liv," Lane hears August fire back. The sound of shuffling feet increases the sound of her pounding heart. Frantically Lane stuffs herself into August closet maneuvering his suitcase and large jackets to act as a kind of shield. The sound of the door being thrown open makes Lane shrink back further, her breath hitching as it hits the wall loudly.

"Why would I hide her here Liv. You're acting insane," August shouts.

Another loud bang sounds making Lane jump.

"Am I insane August? Am I insane for wanting to talk to the girl my boyfriend is in love with," Olivia asks.

  Love, Harry said he loved her?

"The way Harry talks about her, god he probably never talked about me like that. I should've known Auggie, that's the worst fucking part." Olivia says her voice cracking as she goes on, " Harry never loved me, and I couldn't see it, because I wanted him so bad. I wanted us to work so badly"

Lane has never felt worse.

" You'll find someone better Liv, you're great," August tries. Lane can see them through the crack of the closet, she watches Olivia shake her head.

" Not great enough I suppose," Olivia mutters.

Without another word, Olivia's figure disappears out of view followed by the soft slam of the bedroom door. Lane waits a couple of seconds before emerging from the closet. Lane doesn't realize she's crying until a tear drips down her chin. Wiping her eyes there is no doubt in Lane's mind that what she's done is horrible. There is also little doubt in her mind that she loves Harry too.

It's insane thinking about it. How could she be in love with Harry when she barely knows him.

Maybe it wasn't love. I mean Lane had never been in love before, how could she know this is what she's feeling. Perhaps it was just lust she feels for Harry. Lane wasn't Juliet Montague falling in love overnight with dreamy curly-haired boys ( Romeo didn't have curly hair but that is beside the point). Admittedly Lane was a romantic, but not a  lovesick Shakespeare character.

But perhaps she is, it would explain why she's behaved so irrationally and out of character.

"Is she going to be okay," Lane asks, her voice cracking.

"She'll live," August mumbles walking to the couch. Lane follows his lead sitting at the opposite end, wiping away the stray tears that remained on her cheeks. Neither one of them speaks August pressing play on the episode of HTGAWM.

"You're not a bad person Lane."

Not fully believing him, She gives August a weak smile.

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