F is for Forget

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Violet was so excited she was going to get to see Wilbur. It had been 3 weeks since they last saw each other. She was travelling on Super business and he was in a lot of clubs. They never really got to see each other much. Violet was getting on her Converse as she was going out the door. She was going to meet him at the ice cream place. She was 10 minutes early. She didn't mind to wait.

12:55. Five minutes till I get to see him.

1:20 Maybe he is running late?

1:45 Maybe I should call him

3:00 He didn't forget. He couldn't forget.

4:30 She knew it. She was just some replaceable girl. She was invisible. Just like always. With every one. I f he doesn't show up in 10 minutes I am going home.

5:00 He forgot me. Just like everyone else.

"Sweetheart. Who ever you are waiting for is not coming. Sorry. You have been waiting 5 hours for this joker and he doesn't show up. Why don't I give you a ride home?" A waitress said to her.

"N-no I-it's fine. I-I live just up the road." Violet said hugging her arms around herself. She got up from the table and Started to walk slowly home. She got home and didn't say anything. She went up to her room and put her head phones on and turned up the volume all the way. Then she buried herself in her covers. She lay there the rest of the day.

"Hey Franny?" Helen was on the phone with Franny Robinson.

"What's wrong Helen?' Franny asked.

"What happened between Violet and Wilbur? She came home all depressed. I thought they were supposed to have a date today?" Helen explained. Only to hear silence on the other end of the line.

Then all hell broke loose. She heard banging crashing, yelling, even even an explosion. Helen quietly put the phone down and hung up. When Franny Robinson was mad. All the demons from hell probably possessed her all at once.

Wilbur woke up this morning. He thought he had something to do today but realized her was free the entire day. He got dressed and played video-games with Carl the entire day. He turned his phone off and unplugged the wall phone. He was in the zone and he didn't want that to be messed up.

3:00 something nagged in the back of his brain. He forgot something. But what was it?

6:00 All hell broke loose. He heard his mom answer the phone then hell.

"WILBUR LEWIS ROBINSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Franny screamed at him.

"Uh-oh" Wilbur said running to the kitchen where his mom was. "Yes..." He said sheepishly peering around the corner.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU ARE!!!!!! YOU PROMISE VIOLET-" Franny started but Wilbur drowned out after that.

::Oh SHIT! Violet. I completely forgot."

"WILBUR!!!!!" Franny screamed again getting his attention.

Wilbur snapped out of it. He looked at his mom. He had never seen her this angry before.

 "Mom. I screwed up. I know that. You don't know how bad I feel about it." Wilbur told her.

"Well if you feel so bad then go apologize to the poor girl." Franny snapped at him.

Wilbur left immediately. He went to the Parrs' House. He knocked on the door once then he was jerked inside and kicked in the shin. He looked down and saw Dash.

"What was that for??" Wilbur asked. He already knew the answer.

"What did you do to my sister? She won't eat. She won't come out of her room. The only reason we know she is not dead is we see the sheets moving up and down from her breathing!" Dash yelled at Wilbur.

Wilbur sat there in amazement. He knew this hurt her but not that bad. He felt awful. He imagined her sitting there in her bed not moving. Wilbur pushed past Dash and went up to her room. He hesitated opening the door.

He opened the door slowly only to be greeted by a punch to the face. Violet looked at him dead in the eyes. She was furious. Her eyes were also teary. She turned invisible and waled away. She opened the front door and left.

Violet heard the entire debacle downstairs. Even through her music. She knew Wilbur was coming up to her room to apologize. She wouldn't hear it though. She thought he cared about her. Well she was wrong. He probably spent the entire day with Carl or something. She was tired of it. She heard Wilbur outside her door. She walked over to it and when he opened it her fist connected with his nose.

She looked at him. He looked at her. She hoped he could feel the anger radiating off her. She was tired of this. She wanted to disappear and run away. So she did. She turned invisible. She walked right out the front door.

"What did you do to her now?" Dash asked whining.

"She just punched me in the nose and left. Is it bleeding bad?" Wilbur asked concerned about his face.

"Yes. Now lets go find her." Dash said telling Wilbur to just suck it up.

10:00pm "We searched everywhere. Where could she be?" Dash Said exasperated.

Then it hit Wilbur. I have one place I should check. If she's not there we will get the cops involved. Just wait here." Wilbur told Dash.

Wilbur ran. He ran to the woods. He walked in a few feet. Then he heard a rustle in the branches. above him. He tripped on a root. Then he saw a huge branch falling. It was going to hit him. He was dead. Then nothing.

Violet was hiding in the trees. still invisible. She looked and saw Wilbur walking. Where was he going. Was he looking for her. Nah. Then she saw his fall. Just then her foot fell. The branch she had her foot propped on fell. It was going to crush him. She didn't care anymore though right? Right?

Wilbur looked up and saw a force field around him. The branch broke in two and was on the ground. He quickly stood up. the force field faded from view.

"Vi?" Wilbur said hopefully. "Come on Vi I know you're here."

Then her heard a small thud beside him. Nothing was  there. Just a small thud. Then she reappeared. She looked as small as possible. She tried to get smaller but it didn't work. She was hiding behind her hair. Her eyes still teary. She hugged her arms around herself. "W-what happened? Y-you j-just forgot me. Just l-like everyone else." Violet finally said staring at the ground.

"I didn't mean to forget. And I felt awful for what I did-" Wilbur started but was cut off.


Wilbur let it sink in. She was more than mad. "Look I understand if you don't want to fogive me. I know what I did was awful. Please I care about you. I really do." Wilbur said.

Violet was tired of the lies. She just left him in the dust. walking back to her house. Wilbur trailed behind her. He didn't want to lose her.

"Violet please." Wilbur pleaded. "Don't do this."

"Why not Wilbur why not? I am tired of the lies." Violet snapped back. "Give me one good reason why."

Wilbur didn't hesitate. He grabbed her and kissed her. Violet tried to push him away but to no avail, He Held her tight. Violet quit fighting and started kissing him back. He broke off the kiss. She lay her head on his shoulder and started crying.

"Because I need you Violet Parr. i need you. You complete my days. The days I don't see you are hell. Don't leave me."

"Don't leave me. Please" Violet siad softly.

"I won't. Never again."

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