Meeting in a hospital.

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I was sitting in my hospital bed, when my friends, Sam and Frankie, walked into the room. Well, I wouldn't say walked for Frankie, she needs a wheelchair because her legs are to weak from her type of cancer. Sam and I have have leukaemia. "Do you want to go down to the crazy floor and watch the patients again?" Frankie asked.she always likes to do crazy things that will likely get us int trouble, but we do it anyway. I mean, what else is there to do at a hospital that won't let you go home until they think you're going to die? "Sure, why not?" I said with a smile on my face. I got out of my bed and grabbed my oxygen kart. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Emery Johnson. I'm thirteen years old. I already told you that I have leukaemia. I have had it for three years. The first time I got it, the doctors thought that I would die right away, but yet, here I am today. Great doctors, am I right? Sam and Frankie are my best friends here. We all have been here for two years now, so we know all the good places to be when we're bored.

When we got down to the crazy floor, we ducked so the nurse wouldn't see us. I should tell you that I have fiery red and curly hair. My hair grew back, but they won't let me leave yet. They say it's just to make sure that I don't get sick again.

Anyway, so we got in and emediatly heard screaming. We all laughed at this because it is the only place where the is noise. We went into the room and were met by a lot of people trying to get at us. We ducked past them and kept on laughing. " I will never forget how fun this is!" Sam said, laughing his head off. All of a sudden, we were stopped by a nurse. I swear, they make sure that we can't have fun before we die.

She sent us back upstairs to our rooms like we were little kids. But we're not, we're thirteen year olds who have cancer, there's a big difference there. We just want to have fun before, well, you know, die. All the nurses say that we won't die, but we can all tell that they're lying through their teeth.

So there I was, sitting on my bed, bored as any kid would be if they weren't aloud to do anything remotely fun. Then, boy walked past my room. He had dark brown hair, and pale blue eyes. He smiled at me. I smiled back of coarse, I mean, who wouldn't?

I spent the rest of the day wondering about him. What was his name, for instance. That is something that is very important to know about a person. I decided to venture out into the floor with Sam and Frankie to find out who this guy was.

Sam and I walked, while Frankie wheeled, for what felt like hours on our tired legs and well, wheels, trying to look for him. We peeked into every room we could. You wouldn't believe how many people on this floor like to watch football. ( a.k.a, soccer) we were about to give up when Sam asked, "Is this him?" And pointed at a boy around our age in a room unpacking stuff. "Yeah, this is him." Is what I said. We went up to his room and knocked on the door.

He turned to us and said, " You can come in if you want." We went in and stood there for a few minutes before Frankie spoke up.

"So, what's your name? I'm Frankie, and this is Sam and this is Emery." " My name is Adam. Nice to meet you guys. So, are all of you stuck here because of cancer?" He asked. " yeah, I have leukaemia, and so does Sam. Frankie has leukaemia, but it is different from ours because it affects her legs." I said. "Hmm." Is all he said. None of us said anything for a minute or two, until Adam spoke up. " I have leukaemia as well, I was diagnosed a month ago, but I just had to come now because it got worse.

" oh, well that's to bad. We have all been here for two years because of it. Oh, sorry, that probably just made it worse for you now didn't it?" Sam said. Man, sometimes he can be really weird, but I still love him like another brother.

" it's fine, I knew it would get worse, I just didn't know when. Now I know." Adam said sadly. " well, by. Nice talking to you, but we really need to go before we get caught out here." Frankie stated. " well, bye." He said. Sam and I both said by and left.

I said goodnight to my friends and went to my room. I got into bed and started thinking about today. Yup, another day in paradise, only, it doesn't seem so bad now.

A/N: this is my first story on wattpad! Thank you for reading and enjoy!:p

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