Sneaking onto the roof

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" Are you sure this is a good idea Frankie? Sam asked, obviously nervous. "Yes. Why would I drag you into this if I knew it wasn't a good idea?" Sam and I looked at her skeptically. "Umm, because you're Frankie." I said with a smirk. "Haha, very funny. Now c'mon, only one more flight.

We were going up to the roof of the hospital, I know, crazy right? Well, that's Frankie for you.

When we were almost up to the roof, Adam stopped us. "What are you guys doing?" "Um, well... Aha, you see, we were... Uhh..." Sam stuttered. "We are going up to the roof, want to come?" Frankie answered for Sam. "Sure."


When we got up to the roof Frankie brought us to a little setup of chairs and blankets. "Welcome to the club everyone." Frankie said excitedly.

"Wow, this is amazing! How did you do this?" Adam asked. "Well, I pulled a few strings, said that we need to have a little fun and badda bing badda boom, here we are!" "This is amazing Frankie." I said happily.

"Wait, why did we have to sneak though? I mean, if the doctors and nurses knew, then what was with a the secrecy?" Sam asked. "Well, uhm, I asked my cousin to do this actually. He snuck up here and made this."

We all stared at Frankie skeptically, but then Adam spoke up. "Well, it's still cool Frankie, so why let it go to waste?" "Yeah, let's hang out up here. If Frankie's cousin went to all this trouble to do this, then why not put it to some good use?" I said, helping Adam out. "I guess I'll stay, since we are already up here, and also, you guys are my friends, so I will do anything with you guys." Sam said. "Well, ok then. Let's party!" Frankie yelled.


After a while, the sun started to set. We were all having a lot of fun up there. "Guys, I have an idea. We should all say our main fear, and then scream to make a point." Frankie said. "I don't know Frankie, someone might here us. What if we get caught?" Sam asked nervously. "Then we'll of had the best day of our lives before we get busted. Come on Sam, take risks, live your life now. Don't wait to live it, because there is no time to spare anymore." Frankie said quite convincingly. "Ok, I'll do it." We all cheered. "Ok, Adam, you go first." Sam said. "I'm afraid of not being able to do everything I want to do in life, before my time runs out." He said.

We all stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. "Ok, umm, my turn then." Frankie said. "I'm afraid that before I die, I won't be able to do anything that is totally insane." "Oh, so that explains it." Sam stated jokingly. "Haha, very funny, now it's your turn joke boy." "I'm afraid of dying in my sleep."

That left just me. "I'm afraid of not getting to say goodbye to the people I love." I said very truthfully. When I got leukaemia, I thought I would never get to say goodbye to my family.

Adam looked at me. His look was soft and kind, like he felt the same way.

"Ok, so now on my count, we'll all scream. When we scream, it will help us relieve our fears. Ready, 1...2...3"

And then, we all relieved our fears. We screamed. It felt good. When we stopped, it was silent, but then we started laughing.

When we stopped laughing, we went back downstairs. We said our goodbyes and headed back to our rooms. When I got to mine, I felt tired, but happy. I felt relieved, like a huge weight was lifted off of me. I laid down on my bed and drifted off to sleep, but only, not so scared anymore.

A/N: hey! Sorry for not updating for a while. Writers block=big pain in the bum. So, sorry for the short chapter, I just tried to finish it. If it's terrible, I am sorry once again. Anyways, please comment and vote! Thank you!

- Forever_Irish.

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