Tacos, Soda, and Tony Stark

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God, my boyfriend is taking way too long! Wade thought, taking another bite from the taco in his hand. He was in the hallway of his apartment, waiting for his Spideyboy to come and rescue him from boredom.

He decided to call. He was probably being paranoid, but Peter wasn't late very often. And if he was going to be late he'd give a warning. He was just that kind of boy. Even so, Pete picked up on the second ring. "Spidey! I thought we had a date scheduled tonight." Wade couldn't help but smile hearing his boyfriend's voice.

"Uh, yeah, I'm uh, on my way. Dad was getting mad for a second."

"Oh honey I'm not mad," Wade chuckled. "Just get your sweet ass over here or you're going to regret it."

"I'm a minute away! Can't you be patient Wade?"

"No. I've already eaten the dinner I got for us. My tacos, your tacos, and...I hope Stark fed you so I don't have to babysit a hungry kid."

"Shut up! I'm only a few years younger than you! And more mature, I might add." Oh boo hoo, Wade wasn't immature. Maybe he was, but in a good way. In a fun away. Who wouldn't have fun with Wade Wilson (other than the disastrous Tony I-fuck-a-ninety-year-old Stark)?

"How's school going?" Wade asked.

"Fine. I got a detention, actually, but-"


"No Wade, listen. I didn't do anything!"

Wade couldn't help but get frustrated with his criminal boyfriend. "Isn't that what they all say? Julius Cesar didn't do anything either then."

"Well, here's the thing, I was helping a man who had gotten hurt and my backpack was stolen again and so I didn't have my calculus problem set and so Mrs. Greene gave me a freakin' detention! So unfair." Just as Peter finished his rant, Wade heard him clogging up the stairs of the apartment. He was beautiful.

"Petey!" Wade screamed, jumping into his arms and drowning him in hugs and kisses.

"Get off me, ass, I want dinner."

Hi it's James! I hope y'all enjoyed this preview of the shenanigans I'll be writing.

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