I was born on October 5th, 2001 in a small hospital in Juno, Alaska. Just after I was born I was rushed away to the nicu there was something wrong. When you looked at my chest you could see my heart. Without an X-ray or anything this was a big issue. I had to into surgery the next day to make things a little safer for my sake. After I had the surgery I was just a happy, bubbly baby girl and my parents couldn't be happier.
The doctors fitted me with a Fabulous shield if I do say so my self. It's black with a clear window in the shape of a heart in the front. I may or may not have "accidentally " spilled glitter on it when I was five and let's just say it's melted on to this day. Oh well!
When ever my birthday comes around these days we always have a fun way celebrating. I usually get to choose because one it's my birthday and two I'm considered a miracle to my family so it's a win win situation. For my tenth birthday I decided to try dog sledding that was pretty fun. I had a mild obsession with dogs at the time. They were just so cute what did you expect from me.
It's Just the Way My Heart Beats
Short StoryTia is a 17 year old girl who is practically invisible. She has a fairly normal life, well normal in her eyes. She was born with a heart defect that makes things slightly more difficult