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Kang Daniel
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Daniel: you can't be serious—

Daniel: I thought I'm the father—

Daniel: we had sex..

Seongwoo: dumbass , woojin treats minhyun as his father.

Daniel: oh.

Daniel: then I'll change that.

Daniel: by the way , are you okay?

Seongwoo: why do you care? shouldn't you be with Saree taking care of your baby or something?

Daniel: what baby?

Seongwoo: I saw you two in the hospital

Seongwoo: you saw me too

Daniel: huh?

Daniel: i never went to the hospital

Daniel: oh wait—


Seongwoo: what's funny

Daniel: It's Euigeon hyung.

Daniel: He and Saree are now engaged.

Seongwoo: not asking

Daniel: : (

Seongwoo: you son of a bitch

Seongwoo: i'm dying here.

Seongwoo: if i die , please take care of woojin.

Seongwoo: be a good father for once kang fucking daniel.

Seongwoo: be his Daddy Niel.

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