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* Italic are thoughts, Bold are like Inidications of timeline(?)*

Every year of this day was greatly celebrated by many. Other than new year, the largest and most celebrated festival, Christmas. It was a day to bring joy and laughter. It was a day where many show their appreciations with each other. It was a day where people travel miles away from their home to meet and have dinner with their dearest.


It was a day I liked, used to liked.


Now all I could see this day is. It was a day where family and friends could use this as an excuse to gather. It was a day kids could have an excuse to whine for presents, and gifts they wanted. It was a day to kiss a person under the mistole. It was the only day, people showed appreciation to each other. It was just a normal day, with a branded name, and people use that as an excuse for everything.

Christmas Carols, Decorating the trees, have logcakes as desert, used to be a joyful event for Seungkwan. It all changed when that happened

Flashback to 5 years ago....

"Hansol! Is this nicer? Or is this?" Seungkwan had two different coloured ties in both his hands, using his body as a model he asked Vernon seriously.

"Hmmm I think the first one? But honestly Kwan, whatever you choose, I'm sure your dad would love it." Vernon tried to convince him, because this is probably the 736528th shop he stepped into, and the 3677282997463th tie Colour and pattern he's choosing.

"Don't come up with this bullshit Hansol, you know me, I just-"

"Don't wish to disappoint him right? Look I get it Kwan, but like you could have just picked one that you think would suit him and not ponder about the other Colours. We could be cuddling in bed and slowly waiting for them to be home right now..." Vernon completed Seungkwan's sentence before he did, and just let his tongue ran wild without thinking twice before speaking.

Oh shit. I did not just say that to him.

Seungkwan then slowly looked down on the ground, and put one of the ties back on the display shelf. Upon looking how upset Seungkwan was, Vernon quickly grabbed his shoulders and said "Hey, Kwan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so mean. I know and perfectly understand that you want to get the prefect gift for your dad. But we've been walking through and forth most of the Malls here these 5 days already. To be honest, I'm a little tired, but what I'm afraid of is that your little foot would be hurt too."

Seungkwan then looked up from the floor smiling brightly at Vernon, Vernon then realised.

Ah god damnit, he's teasing me again...

Vernon then heave a sigh of relief and said "Haiz, do you like teasing me that much Kwan? I nearly thought that I would lose you!"

"But you looked so cute when you're puzzled and frantic about it~" he said and reached out to Vernon and pinches his cheeks. Vernon could only smile, and all they felt was happiness, love and nothing else.

"Let's go and get this paid, we can probably have some cuddling time before Appa and omma arrives!" Seungkwan cheered and dragged Vernon towards the counter.

That was how Christmas was supposed to be. Filled with love, happiness, warmth, anything that represents positivity would be used to described. It was all good, everyone thought that it would continue that way. Until that day came...

Flashback to two years ago....

-Christmas Eve night-

"I'm so sorry Kwan, I really can't go back now, I have a report to be submitted in tomorrow, I just-" Vernon was apologising profusely on their video call.

The reason why I hate ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now