Ch.1. Creation

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I plug my helmet into my console, and turn it on flipping the switch.

A vast darkness greets me as fall asleep onto my head.

I stretch out my hand activating the games ui operated by my will alone.

I can't wait to get started.

In Freedom Infinity Online you can create and do anything.

From choosing pre existing games through the ui, suchs as rogues, rpgs, mmorpgs, strategy games fps, to anything else you can think of you need only bring up the game mode menu and choose.

But this, this is defualt mode an infinite sandbox where you can do anything, create anything, and be anyone.

Right now I have it in single player mode, while it runs on an online server.

After finally buying this game after so long, I'm finally doing it.

I'm creating a world.

And not just any world, a fantasy  world.

I cant believe it I'm finally doing this.

I crqck my proverbial disembodied knuckles and get started.

I've  though long and hard about what I've wanted as my first world.

Let begin.

I start small or big depending of the point of view considering my conciousness is an overview of a space as large a solar sytem currently.

Not that this is the limit of the servers capacity.

I've researched that a single server can hold an entire virtual galaxy, and that if it reaches capacity it will just link to more servers until it reaches 10.

After 10 you have to buy more.

The art of technology.

Ok enough contemplating it time to build a world.

A create rough pyramid of earth facing down as I  mold it with my hands into a cone, its pointy bottom made of rough, course, mountainous earth conjoined into a single point.

Placing a massive moutain in top of it in the middle of the world.

I place sun above the mountain designed to orbit the world vertically and suck up any loose npc souls/ai cores to purify/reset before reincarnating them into new bodies.

After which I begin carving deep gourges into rivers mountains, stream, lakes, ponds, seas and oceans, into the worlds surface, before carving out carverns and underground rivers.

I fill out the appropriate places with fresh water, completely leaving out saltwater.

This should help induce trade and exploration.

Something I highly encourage.

As water starts spilling over the edge of the world before I'm finished, I quickly create a sphere of water on the votom tip to suck up the falling water, and channel into rivers before cycling them through underwater channels up back into the oceans.

While the oceans waters stabilize a little bit I create a ring of clouds on top of the world spiraling inward at the tip of the highest mountain in the middle of the world.

The cloud ring is design to act as a water cycle for the world as it shifts size and positions over the surface of the worl, while also sucking up excess water that would off the worlds edge.

I paint the continents and isles with tree of every size from an inch tall to the hieght of sky scrapers.

I populate it with every type of fantasy, and real life creature I can think of, even creating a few new ones.

I finally begin creating fantasy races, humans and a few custom races of my own, before further diversifying the beastman.

I plop down the races in thier respective lands, then sit back relax and marvel at my creation.

"My Own World."

Time to sit back and watch

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Time to sit back and watch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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