Never Give Up , Try ...

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                Hi im just a sixteen year old boy ... im from jersey city , and ever since the second grade i've been bullied .. ive been called gay , fag , but at that  i was striaght . ive been talked about because of my height , the way i talk .. my voice didnt develop till the 7th grade so i sounded like a punk . ive Never really had friends in middle school . ive made about 5 or 6 friends in high school and im now going into my junior year . 

                My Whole life ive been trying to make evryone happy  .. i walked around with a smile on my face like i was ok , when im not . I Give People Advice , when i dont even use it for myself . i help everyone with their problems but theres no one to help me with mine  . why ?  i dont know  . 

                I Tried the quiet boy. i tried the nice guy . itried the bad guy  . i tried the sometimes nice guy sometimes mean . i tried the loud guy . i tried the one who sticks up for people  . i tried the giver who gives to everyone even if im left with nothing . i tried every thing NOTHING works ..

                But still i never gave up .. as much as i have thoughts of ending my life or running away . as much as i try to be anti social . as much as i try and fit in . as much as i try to make evryone happy , or make them smile  . nothing work but STILL i never give or gave up ....  I get up the next day and keep trying and pray that one day ill find that 1 friend that will appricate me or that 1 person who sees how much i try .. they dont even have to be my friend just to see how much i try . 

                I know theres people out there who feel like giving up , or their life is a complete waste and they have nothing and nobody to live for .. Just Live for yourself , let others tagg along  .. dont try so hard , dont EVER GIVE UP , because the only one who is feeling that pain is you . The only one who cares is you . so you habe to live for yourself before trying to live for someone els  .. dont crare about what people say or think , ALL that matters is what you think and what you feel .. you have to be comfortable and happy with yourself before anyone else can . because You are all that matter so pick ypur head up and Try .. NEVER GIVE UP  .. your are special and always beleive in your self  

                                        Love  Yourself ,  

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