Chapter 9, I trusted you

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Next day school assembly day.....

Seth POV 

I got ready for school, I didn't want to go after everything I love dean and know it's all over.... I hate Aj after everything she does that! I decided to get dressed and rush out I finally get to school.... everyone was gossiping and In a big crowd wonder why?

Paige: hey sethieee baby

Seth: oh hey Paige what's up

Paige: the sky obviously baby, *she laughs for a bit then goes all serious * you looking forward to the presentation?

Seth: uhhh yea yea, listen I've got to go see ya 

I quickly dashed off not wanting to see her or anyone for that matter so then I sat down in the hall and wait for the presentation...

Finn POV 

Today was the day I ruin their  relationship even more and their  lives this will teach them a listen about messing with my sis and her ex I finished Paige's presentation and I put a few pictures of dean and Paige and the sex tape this is gonna be amazing for Seth I let out a small evil laugh then she approached me....

Sasha: finny boo can we talk

Finn; sash I'm busy not now 

Sasha: I've been thinking about us.....

I immediately stopped and looked at her....

Finn; what about us?

Sasha: I love you.... so so much Finn, I want us to be together but I can't be with a demon I want my finny back.... I can't be with a relationship destroyer....

My heart dropped when she said that.... I love her too so much but Dean and Seth deseverse this!

Finn; okay okay babe lets get back together I love u too  and I will not brother Seth or Dean 

Or im I?  I give Sasha  a evil grin.... 

2 hours passed and it was time for our Presentation.... I start of the assembly about relastionships since we're in the last year of high school and  then I got to it....

Finn: relationships such as Seth and Aj and Paige and dean and if you don't belvieve me here are the pictures and videos.....

Finn: relationships such as Seth and Aj and Paige and dean and if you don't belvieve me here are the pictures and videos

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I played the video and showed everyone the reaction was amazing Seth stormed out one way and dean stormed out the over I was in tears of laughter then Sasha approached me

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I played the video and showed everyone the reaction was amazing Seth stormed out one way and dean stormed out the over I was in tears of laughter then Sasha approached me

Sasha: are you insane I love you so much and you still do this what's the hell I wanted to Bec with you again Finn and you do this

Finn: baby girl I'm sorry okay  but they deserve it 

Sasha: what because thier gay, what is it ? Why do you hate them so fucking much? Huh  what because he broke your baby sister heart grow up Finn!

Finn: Sasha it's not like that- she cuts me off

Sasha: no no listen to me you better sort this out!  

She walks off before I  could say out woah Ive just realised that I have messed up pretty bad and probably ruin a amazing relationship I need to fix this for Seth and Dean  for Sasha my everything.

To be continued 

Find out what happens next stay tuned, 

So Finn leaked the video and pictures of Seth and Dean  with Aj and Paige  then Sasha made him realise he was in the wrong what will happen next with Seth and Dean and what will happen with Sasha and Finn   

Thanks guys so much for the support ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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